Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun pl] where the " in BNC.

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1 This is analogous to the complexity of computers where the signals are essentially noughts and ones but the response depends on previous events .
2 This is quite different from the case with books where the activities are very often carried out in different locations .
3 This is undoubtedly the case in instances where the rationale has more to do with ‘ status , political weight and viability ’ of the subjects within the curriculum .
4 Through these excellent Tutors , assisted by very able advisory staff , the Art teachers became motivated and involved in their own work and this , indirectly , had a profound effect upon the teaching in schools where the curriculum was significantly strengthened in three major respects : iii drawing , colour and in an imaginative and inventive response to a wide range of media .
5 Easy to defend , with its walls still existing , and the two rivers , and of course , with resources , with fuel and war effort , and the kind of buildings where the king could form a court .
6 The most hair-raising operation at Honister was not digging the slate , but getting it down the fells to sheds where the material was riven and dressed for transportation by packhorse to ports and river barges .
7 On Nov. 9 , FIS leaders threatened " to reject dialogue " with the government , accusing it of hindering the work of councils where the FIS had won a majority of seats in the June municipal elections [ see pp. 37549-50 ] .
8 18.1 In the event of the Publisher being involved in or threatened with legal proceedings arising from the publication of the Work in circumstances where the Publisher is unable to recover from the Company under the warranty and indemnity in clause 15 the Company agrees to provide such assistance as may be requested by the Publisher .
9 Also song-flighting up on the moors , the less showy meadow pipit returns during April from spending the winter in places where the weather is less severe , but its cousin the rock pipit is made of sterner stuff and spends the winter in Shetland , sharing the shoreline habitat with the Shetland wren .
10 While the duty to support just institutions fails to establish an obligation to obey the law , it may well provide reasons to obey the law in circumstances where the law transcends the legitimate authority of the government .
11 ( iii ) In the context of their own writing and reading , pupils should be helped to recognise that words with related meanings may have related spellings and that this can sometimes be an aid in the spelling of words where the sound alone does not provide sufficient information .
12 Finally , the emergence of pools where the fully-fledged candidates could be identified was raised .
13 Perhaps the most striking difference between the northern and southern islands is in the distribution of mountains where the high series of peaks ( averaging 550 m above sea level ) of north Harris and south Lewis have no equivalent elsewhere .
14 The group of countries where the Swedes felt most alien were Central Europe , Africa and the Middle East , and where they felt less alien was in Latin America , while by far the most important factor was the happiness of the spouse .
15 Consider the transformation of axes where the are as usual , the direction cosines of this pure rotation of axes .
16 It was a tea shop , with one half that sold honey and homemade scones and the other with tables where the walls were decorated with a mixture of horse brasses and psychedelic posters .
17 There was a subdued ‘ clanging ’ from Henderson 's Shipyard at Meadowside to the left , and the passengers waiting for the ferry on the Govan side at Water Row , could see the glow of fires where the boilermakers were busy putting the finishing touches to the Anchor Line 's new flagship , the Columbia .
18 From it , narrow paths cut into the bog at intervals where the land was firm .
19 Abrams and Marsden ( 1987 ) looked at the impact on carers where the tending in some cases was not accompanied by love , and where the length of caring was such that there might be an outworn welcome .
20 In Champagne this is normally countered by the selection of highly resident rootstock varieties and through the choice of sites where the chalk is thinly covered by drift or where man has added rich sandy or clayey lignite soils to the surface .
21 He gestured at the row of chairs where the offenders lolled .
22 The Government — Mr John Patten — having learnt through the courts that teachers have the right to refuse to set the prescribed tests , now threatens to cut the headteacher 's salary and to take legal action against the governors of schools where the tests are not set .
23 A number of English and Commonwealth decisions have recognised a duty ( owed to the company ) to take account of the interests of creditors where the company is insolvent or on the verge of insolvency .
24 The good news is that , even in the minority of cases where the only solution is to leave your job and try your luck elsewhere , it is unusual for a dispute to arise that is so serious that you finish up in front of a judge or an industrial tribunal .
25 The question of the duration of the duty in cases where the 'springboard " doctrine applies has been discussed above .
26 The mine is to become operational by 1985 but the cost of producing the coal in conditions where the hydraulic systems of the excavators freeze and burst in the intense cold is such that only by CPE ( Centrally Planned Economy ) economics would the project be viable .
27 The interest of this text is that it makes clear both the availability of a remedy against a third party , and the fact that that party has notice of the existence of the trust ; and it apparently limits the availability of the missio to cases where the buyer does have notice : cases , therefore , in which bad faith is involved .
28 She ran as hard as she could across the muddy field , across the rickety bridge , and finally collapsed beyond the line of oaks where the stream curved round to mark the boundary of the colonel 's property .
29 The fleet will be shipped around the world to venues where the sailing will be just part of a larger event .
30 The number of surfaces where the test applies is extremely limited and includes :
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