Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun sg] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Daughter dodged an elbow thrust , and brought the majorette rod down on the Sandrat 's back .
2 She put the telephone receiver down on the invitation to lunch with a quiet face , but an excited heart .
3 Lay the sinker plate down on the edge of a table , press down and turn the screw in a sharp , snapping movement — try not to ‘ chew up ’ the head of the screw .
4 The two assassins had joined the crew of the navy rescue expedition which had followed the escape pod down from the survey vessel from which it had been ejected , and they had been prevented from finishing off both their intended victim and the accidental witnesses only because of the timely intervention of a Yek patrol .
5 Full provision will be made for all liabilities of the business relating to any period before the Transfer date discharged or agreed to be discharged by the Purchaser at any time during the period from the Transfer date down to the date upon which the Completion accounts have become final and binding .
6 He looked out of the aeroplane window down at the warm blue sea below .
7 Issues of class conflict within the group were to remain largely subordinate , as the matter of the nature and defence of loyalism itself was to dominate the scene right down to the present day .
8 Next hold the mouse button down on the downward pointing arrow , so to make sure that you are starting at square or row one .
9 Dust your working surface with icing sugar or cornflour to prevent sticking and place the cake upside down on the surface .
10 From so from the pit head down to the face ?
11 Dusk was just falling as they turned into the parking area down by the river .
12 He took the service elevator down to the parking-lot and got into his car .
13 The secret meeting organised by MPs Tim Devlin and Michael Bates , to which they invited selected headteachers to discuss opting out , drags the education debate down into the gutter of political furtiveness and secrecy .
14 I decided to have the suit right down to the knee .
15 This looked fine and fair on the wall map down at the Town or County Hall but did n't reflect the real world where convenience of travel is n't always based on distance .
16 From the top of the drums , water is pumped to Tank 1 via the spray bar down through the foam and spar , from where it is transferred to Tank 2 up through more spar .
17 The whole notion of society was patriarchial , from the concept of God the father right down to the father who actually dominated the household and dictated even when the rosary should be said , and so forth .
18 ‘ Why , it was well dark then , and raining , and they were busy shifting the logs in the Longner cart down to the tail , to be easy to heft out and carry across .
19 If the level of this is set too high , there may be an adjuster which controls it , or you may be able to simply bend the float arm down to the correct level .
20 Before dinner , Alexandra brought the claret box down into the dining-room and released the occupants .
21 On Brother and Toyota machines you simply hold the weaving yarn down beside the needles , on the side of the knitting nearest the carriage .
22 And he exults , like Richard III , in his abilities in deception , which have indeed supplanted his real self : It is difficult for a modern audience , which has lost that sense of reverence attaching to ‘ service ’ that animated Renaissance society , from the glorification of the vita activa down to the duties of bondsmen and tenants , to appreciate fully the shock that these self-revelations would have had .
23 That 's Soundgarden 's manager , it goes from the f—in' highest level of people in the music industry down to the street punk kids . ’
24 Travelling in a clockwise direction the route proceeds from Cat Nab , Saltburn along part of the Cleveland Way and along the cliff edge down to the beach at Cattersty Sands .
25 you 've used a triangular bandage to cover a wound in the scalp , it 's not a chopping block wound right , it 's not the chopper in its wound right , it 's just a minor wound in the scalp , yes , and that came round and tied at the front , tucked at the back , you used these roller bandages to cover a graze or a wound on the end of an elbow or a knee or the hand , foot and then a straight one up the arm okay , so a lot of your bandaging is using these little roller bandages with the lint pad and do n't forget when you get into the exam do it , do n't do it the wrong way round , remember that you look at your bandage and you put the lint onto the wound , not the other way round right , yeah , you put the lint face down onto the wound , okay ?
26 However , currency speculators flooded Israel 's capital market with foreign currency worth US$200,000,000 , driving the US dollar down against the shekel and causing what was called the " devaluation that never was " .
27 She 'd heard the grandfather clock down in the hall chime every quarter-hour until three o'clock .
28 ‘ We have blast chillers to pull the food temperature down to the correct level , ’ says proprietor , Richard Prior FHCIMA , who spent £250,000 on re-designing his kitchens as part of a £300,000 overall refurbishment programme at the inn .
29 Corridors , ante-rooms , kitchen , a flue still intact , a corner of the verandah and traces of the garden path down to the river .
30 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
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