Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun sg] when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With the playback that in fact erm as has said it showed me what in fact I was doing right and wrong , erm I 've been on television before once when I was running the London marathon but this time it was actually me and me alone in a work element and I could in fact see what I was doing and why I was doing it and understand in fact the corrections from the morning to in fact the afternoon presentation when I came back for the second one .
2 ‘ There was someone outside the kitchen window when I arrived , ’ said Finn placidly , apparently pleased to be able to contribute something to this limited discussion .
3 I had almost reached the kitchen doorway when I heard the furious sounds of her footsteps coming back towards me again .
4 I do n't see how she can do the hours , with the hours that she 's doing , I mean she 's still in the Penny Farthing when I came here cos I went to pay her the money .
5 He was standing with some people in the entrance hall when I arrived .
6 We are running up Trundleys Road across the Surrey Canal when I suggest that this running could get us nicked by the police .
7 Did n't trip over your car in the car park when I arrived at seven this morning . ’
8 I saw your car in the car park when I arrived .
9 The train crew were already collecting in the locker room when I made my way there and introduced myself as Tommy , the actor .
10 Lisabeth and Fenella were waiting on the pavement outside the Spring Onion when I arrived to pick them up .
11 I was just going to the exit door when I saw the young girl s standing at the second bedroom , crying .
12 Anthony Honoré , retiring Oxford Regius Professor of Civil Law , had just been canvassed by the appointments secretary when I visited him in his panelled rooms at All Souls .
13 I was nearly at the top of the post part when I saw Julie getting out of a car .
14 I was walking away from the post office when I heard someone running after me .
15 The officer 's evidence will probably be in the following terms : ‘ I had a good view of the zebra crossing when I saw a pedestrian step on to the crossing limits from the footpath outside the Town Hall and walk about one third of the way across the crossing when the defendant drove in front of the pedestrian etc . ’
16 We 'd just settled him along the back seat when I realised that he would need some money .
17 They did n't even notice the smashed front lights and the vicious new welt on the Boomerang doorframe when I slinked back to Hire-A-Heap the following day .
18 I was leaning into the car to get the toddler out of the baby seat when I heard the shot .
19 Then I remember getting the Ramones album when I 'd just turned sixteen .
20 I stop at the traffic light when I have a visual experience which others would describe as seeing a green light .
21 ‘ I phoned the relief driver when I realised you were n't coming in .
22 I came along the river path when I came home from shopping .
23 This is also the case with the welcome/menu page when I try to install the disk .
24 It came over a treat on the radio transmitter when I played it back … ’
25 You questioned Mr Mayor at the city board when I put forward the proposal to increase the er turnover figure from three percent to four percent .
26 It 's no good telling the children You can have the grandfather clock when I go , it 's with the will .
27 I 've taken suspects to the police station when I have n't been able to break them down , and I 've told my inspector exactly what 's happened , he 's got the whole picture and then he 's closed the door and called the man in , closed the door .
28 ‘ The morning after the dump confrontation when I felt very shaky and was very low , the phone rang a dozen times and friends and members of other organizations told me ‘ You had to do it , Ted .
29 I was sitting in the TV room when I heard this bang .
30 ‘ I ca n't see any sense in subjecting him to a hard race in the Gold Cup when I know that his blood has been wrong , ’ he explained .
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