Example sentences of "the [noun] [Wh det] may [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The return on any form of investment may be defined as follows , where r is the return on security i in time t + I , P is the price of security i in periods t and t + I , and D is the income which may accrue to that security during period t+ 1 .
2 There is a striking passage in the early second-century Gospel according to the Hebrews which may serve as a summary of this point .
3 Labov 's quite proper feelings of pleasure are evident to any reader of his article ; he plainly views the episode as an example of the opportunities which may arise for linguists to repay a debt to the communities they have worked with .
4 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
5 The durability of the Royal Scotsman over five long seasons of operation , with the top tour price now only a short step away from £3,000 was proven by 1989 , but even as this book was being prepared for press , there were changes in the wind which may prove to be a sterner test of the depth of the elitist train-tour market .
6 Talk of the ambiguities which may arise in sexual situations is largely irrelevant in a discussion of the rights and wrongs of Morgan .
7 Neither would they wish to assume the responsibility in any event because of the repercussions which may fall on their heads from the council , who also rarely understand us .
8 ‘ We give you charge of all the matters which may relate to this our command .
9 The dispute between Huddersfield Polytechnic and Kirklees Metropolitan Council which has continued for a number of years illustrates most of the tensions which may develop between a polytechnic and its local authority .
10 In fevers they are chilly before the chill , a creeping chilliness in the evening which may increase into the night ; very sensitive to a draught ; cold hands and feet ; profuse and offensive sweat which often makes things worse ( < ) .
11 ‘ You should be aware that we are presently seeking leave to commence legal proceedings in connection with the Regulations and accordingly this payment is made without prejudice to any right to recover any payments made pursuant to the Regulations which may arise as a result of legal proceedings , or as a result of any future extinguishment or reduction of any liability under the said Regulations or otherwise .
12 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
13 The study particularly notes the difficulties which may arise in defining the split between ‘ health ’ and ‘ social ’ care .
14 Courts and judges must be alert to the problems which may arise in connection with wasted costs hearings and orders .
15 Other fields for study include the proliferative response in healing gastric ulcers and the changes which may contribute to the clinicopathological diagnosis of Barrett 's oesophagus .
16 Further , the need for many victims to bring a civil action against the perpetrator requires continuing contact with the offender which may extend for years in a protracted case .
17 The debate which may ensue from involving another person in a decision may at times seem to complicate things , but more often than not it adds to the validity of the decision .
18 To quote Bentham , ‘ The liberty of the press has its inconveniences , but the evil which may result from it is not to be compared to the evil of censorship ’ .
19 At Level One students will contribute to the planning of a leisure and recreation programme , bearing in mind the constraints which may operate as a result of the degree of supervision under which this module operates .
20 And this manner itself is determined not so much by the putative character of its narrator , but by puns and other verbal sound effects which result in the breaking up and displacement of the reality which may appear to be their starting point .
21 Effective education , experience and training can significantly reduce the handicaps which may arise from disabilities .
22 The risk of severe alteration of the lining of the cervix which may proceed to cancer is also increased in smokers [ 9 ] .
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