Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] been [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
2 The board has been concerned for some years about the possible impact of excessive dependence on coal — used for 80 per cent of electricity currently generated — if developments in the domestic or international coal market push prices up rapidly .
3 Chairman James Unruh said the decision had been painful for Unisys , but that the company saw little choice .
4 Also the division had been responsible for organizing 5 cinema meetings and a number of smaller meetings during the campaign weeks .
5 In fact the light has been green for some time already .
6 The warehouse has been empty for many years , but holding repairs have meant at least that water penetration to the fabric is reduced .
7 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania-based Transarc Corp will begin shipping its Distributed Computing Environment and Encina transaction processing monitor for SunSoft Inc Solaris 2.1 and 2.2 from next month — the development kits for both the environments have been available for over a year .
8 And it 's particularly , I think , acute in the parish of Saint Mary 's and Saint John 's because the vicarage has been empty for two years and erm they built a new house , it was more it was cheaper to build a new house than to do the old one up , but there it 's been sat , empty for two years , and erm they 've been trying to find a buyer .
9 The stables have been open for one year this November .
10 In fact , the revenue has been stable for the last three years .
11 Or attempt to explore with a Central European Jew the precise nature of the ties that he or she feels with a culture which down the centuries has been responsible for so much persecution and pain .
12 The laughter had been absent for a while , but it had not withdrawn far from him , the marks of its permanent habitation were still there .
13 She had informed Elizabeth Mowbray of the girls ' exchange of identities — information which the duchess had received thankfully , believing the exchange to have been necessary for Anne 's safety .
14 The gallery has been empty for several years .
15 In the same year Peter Chambers , at West Midlands College , from amidst the ‘ encircling gloom ’ of the colleges of education , and recognizing the CNAA 's own ‘ in-built conservative practices ’ , felt that ‘ the overall impact of the CNAA has been beneficial for the colleges and that its commitment to innovation is a major factor in curriculum innovation within the colleges of education .
16 Comment on the dollar had been sombre for much of the year in the train of developments the previous autumn .
17 The continuing strength of the dollar has been good for the group , as many shipbuilding and most shipping contracts are priced in dollars , and both Finland and Norway have gained a competitive edge against both the US and Germany .
18 In order to meet these criteria , the Vehicle Watchdog performs as follows : providing the vehicle has been stationary for at least one minute , a 15mA current pulse will brightly light an l.e.d. for 0.02 seconds once every two seconds .
19 This view is espoused by Myers ( 1986 ) , who believes that deforestation in the Himalaya has been responsible for flood disasters in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra and the higher incidence of flooding that has occurred since 1940 ; apparently flooding now affects some 10 6 ha of land as compared with 6 × 10 6 ha in the early 1950s .
20 The EIA have been responsible for the ban in the ivory trade , and their campaign on the plight of captured wild birds has resulted in 74 major airlines refusing to co-operate in the transport of wild birds .
21 In case police behaviour changes as new procedures and rules become familiar , then whole research exercise will be repeated again after the Act has been operational for eighteen months ( summer 1987 ) .
22 Over the years has been responsible for improving the mill control systems throughout the country ; updating the simple push buttons on the walls to the present day fully computerised systems .
23 Volume iv was issued in 1908 , volume v in 1912 , and volume vi in 1921 ( by which time the author had been dead for five years ) .
24 The post has been vacant for months and the lack of suitable candidates puzzled officials as the job proved the starting point for such politicians as Mr Chris Patten , Mr Iain Macleod and Mr Reginald Maudling .
25 The post has been vacant for months and the lack of suitable candidates puzzled officials as the job proved the starting point for such politicians as Mr Chris Patten , Mr Iain Macleod and Mr Reginald Maudling .
26 From its early involvement in the fated Windscale piles , the UKAEA has been responsible for most of the key decisions in the history of British nuclear technology .
27 According to the authorities the commando had been responsible for a number of recent attacks in the province of Bilbao , which had claimed the lives of five people .
28 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
29 History , as we have mentioned , has been kind : the country has staved off invasion by its enemies , and the resources have been available for government to make and meet commitments in response to changing demands and expectations .
30 ACT ! , developed by Contact Software , is both the US 's and the UK 's best selling contact software package , and PC and network variants tailored to the UK have been available for some time .
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