Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] so [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 When it was running , the geyser roared so loudly that the place felt like a rocket in the middle of a take off .
2 If the trial goes so badly that the plaintiff wants to take the money out during it he must , as was decided in Gaskins v British Aluminium Co Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 524 , make an application to do so , and he must have the defendant 's consent even to make the application .
3 The current project will extend previous work by presenting the homograph primes so briefly that the subjects are not consciously aware of them .
4 The fingers moved so fast that Dougal found it hard to follow what was happening .
5 The lily grew so fast that each day it filled twice the amount of space that it did the day before .
6 Many of the animals swim so quickly that they do not stay in sight for long .
7 The wind came so swiftly that within half an hour we were reducing sail , taking water over the deck , and beginning to lumber into a building seaway .
8 The plan worked so well that insurers Lloyd 's paid out the £1.8 million claim .
9 There was no brand name on the yarn and the work twisted so badly that she could not wear it .
10 The abuse happened so often that I thought it was normal .
11 The roof , which is stripped of tiles , provides the water-supply ; the chimney smokes so thickly that the opposite wall is barely visible ; the few remaining window-panes are stained and the majority are stuffed with rags and paper .
12 The Federation grew so quickly that in 1962 provincial councils were established to cater for the influx of new clubs .
13 They almost certainly meet the needs of individual clients , but , like primary nursing , they may also fulfil the needs of the professionals concerned so successfully that the professionals , rather than the recipients of care , are really the most important clients of the system .
14 Yet , when the oriental came at him , the man moved so swiftly that he was once again almost taken by surprise .
15 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
16 The poison works so quickly that the victim rapidly succumbs and the snake is then safe to make its move .
17 She was pulled upwards with startling velocity , the sensation of flying through the air causing the world to tilt so precariously that she found herself clinging to fitzAlan like a drowning woman .
18 The edition for 1605 , no longer extant , was said to have foretold the Gunpowder Plot so accurately that it brought him under suspicion of complicity .
19 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
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