Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Too frightened to brave the front of the hotel , she found the staff stairs to escape by , and she hid behind a peculiarly luscious tropical plant until she saw the porter waiting perplexedly beside the taxi she 'd ordered .
2 The defence relied heavily on the legal precedent of Goodchild in the House of Lords in 1978 , where Lord Diplock ruled that it was not illegal to possess naturally occurring substances even if they contained a controlled drug .
3 The response depends critically on the particular experimental method used to provoke it .
4 I eat the meal inside the tent to get away from the wind , and even there I need an extra jacket .
5 So he walked in the opposite direction , and he went to the park to get away from the people he might know .
6 Surely she would welcome the opportunity to live permanently on the island ?
7 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
8 The win earns them the opportunity to go forward to the national championships at Hemel Hempstead in the south of England .
9 Thus , given liberty and the opportunity to cope realistically with the problem of getting enough to eat the dream process was no longer invoked .
10 The treaty will involve the transfer of extensive powers from Westminster and we should have the opportunity to vote freely on the issue .
11 The master took the opportunity to complain further to the Board that on several occasions he had drawn the medical officer 's attention to an inmate , William Sabey , who was at times a danger to others and had attempted to stab the labour master .
12 Is it too much to expect that the Lord President , on one of his journeys away from the capital , will take the opportunity to apologise unreservedly to the people of this country for his gross error of judgment in imposing the poll tax ?
13 Students gain valuable practical experience and have the opportunity to learn more about the range of careers available .
14 He dodged away and took the opportunity to walk rapidly in the opposite direction from the one in which Stair 's lot might be , towards Pall Mall , passing the narrow courts and alleys which led from the brilliantly lit main street .
15 Does my right hon. Friend recall that , at one time , considerable concern was expressed that the Marches , including Herefordshire , would not have the opportunity to contribute fully towards the defence of the realm in terms of reserve activities ?
16 In addition to this , I think it is appropriate that we also take the opportunity to look ahead to the next three year phase , the developing work load of the adviser and the future development of FWAG in Lothian .
17 The forms tell strongly on the curving surface and the figure-zone is widened for them , its background left bare or scattered with small flower-shapes , a calyx of pointed leaves or petals at the base and the areas of fine lines reduced to narrow borders of two or three ( figs. 7 and 8 ) .
18 There is also a somewhat vague principle in the common law which requires the majority to act fairly towards the minority ( see Clemens v Clemens Bros [ 1976 ] 2 All ER 268 , in which the facts were not unlike those outlined : the court set aside allotments of shares by the directors ) .
19 Thus , the terminology corresponds approximately with the nature of the landform , although there are low raised beaches without deposits and a few of the higher marine terraces with deposits .
20 The remainder deflected downwards into the rear pressurised compartment , went straight through the conduit carrying the cables to the lower rear turret , then carried on into the rear gunner 's position , perforating the hatch and embedding itself in the lagging on the armour plating at the rear of the position .
21 The remainder comes mostly from the countries around the Mediterranean , but what the original almond growers lack in quantity they apparently make up for in quality .
22 But under the 1965 Act once the plaintiff is found to be intentional or reckless within the meaning of the subsection , the amount of the reduction rests solely on the extent to which the harm is caused by the plaintiff 's act .
23 Six saloon carriages provided for the suite corresponded externally with the Royal saloons , so that the train , when made up complete , presented a harmonious and uniform appearance .
24 At the same time , the earthworms burrow deep into the subsoil bringing minerals to the surface , churning and mixing mineral and organic matter in their gizzards , depositing the excavated material on or near the surface in very stable crumbs exactly the right size for optimum exploitation by plant root-hairs .
25 The CO leant across to the officer on his right , and then to the one on his left .
26 Place the top over a jam jar of water , with the base resting just under the water .
27 The provision arises principally from the different accounting and tax treatments for amortising field assets .
28 It 's a long walk to Meall Corranaich and just before the top , the ridge splits away to the west which causes some confusion in poor visibility .
29 Either way , the change sits there for the reader , fascinating , not to be ignored .
30 The reason for the change points again to the essential dilemma trade unionism faced .
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