Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that the rescues were ideologically inspired and the businesses ideologically managed , then at best the ideology distracted attention from the true nature of the problems to be faced , and at worst served as an excuse for purporting to resolve them by decisions which were patently perverse .
2 In ordinary language , this ordered pair can be rendered as follows : the satisfaction of readers is dependent on their judgement of the processing effort required to derive a reading as well as on the perceived effort put into the writing of the text ; the reader 's judgement of the author 's satisfaction is similarly dependent on the perceived costs to the writer as well as the notion of the writer gaining satisfaction from the reader 's effort and enjoyment of the text .
3 The brewery uses water from the Taihu , one of the lakes in China which is protected from pollution .
4 The dose was not premature because there was definite reversal of the case following amelioratrion from the 200th .
5 This is the case with a trio of quite astounding stereoscopic exhibits : a Muppet show in which cartoon characters practically curl up in one 's lap ; the Hitchcock exhibit in which the birds of The Birds take flight from the screen into the auditorium ; and in EPCOT , Coppola 's weird short film Captain Eo , with Michael Jackson and Anjelica Huston , where Jackson 's nose job looks so rubbery and three-dimensional one feels that , if one pressed it , it would pop inside out .
6 The houses created controversy from the day Robert Maxwell took them over .
7 Voorhoeve had been widely criticized within the party for the decision to withdraw support from the previous CDA-VVD coalition in May 1989 , which precipitated the early election and a serious setback for the VVD .
8 It seems , however , that the decision to withdraw sterling from the exchange rate mechanism has paid dividends .
9 For example , the typical credit card agreement allows the holder to draw cash from the issuing bank ( unrestricted-use , debtor-creditor ) , as well as using it for restricted-use , debtor-creditor-supplier transactions .
10 The ‘ great wall of Swanage ’ as it might well be termed , can still be traced in considerable lengths , for instance alongside the lane running west from the Mill Pond , being the extension of Priest 's Way .
11 The lane going east from the farm should be reserved for the return journey and the track heading south to Ease Gill preferred .
12 Being angled , it allows the user to extract soil from a deep hole without the soil sliding off the blade .
13 I 've now defined the route taking advice from the city personnel service .
14 In the later stages of an attack , strands called rhizomorphs develop from the mycelium to convey moisture from the decomposing wood to sound timber many feet away , weeping ‘ tears ’ on to it until it , too , is subjugated and ripe for attack .
15 In United Kingdom Association of Professional Engineers v. ACAS ( 1980 ) the Association sought recognition from a company already well supplied with trade unions .
16 It is certainly of low contagiousness and there is a possibility that the condition follows auto-infection from the bowel , where the causative organism can be found .
17 They had a rough idea of when the murder took place from the state of the body — not exact , but within a day or two .
18 Though an electric car itself may be an inefficient machine , with a battery , electric motor and transmission system , all of which are individually efficient , the car requires electricity from a plug in the garage to charge up its batteries and the Electricity Generating Board and Power Stations are themselves inherently inefficient and they perhaps introduce a fact of only thirty percent into the overall conversion of primary fuel , that is coal , oil , gas , or nuclear , into electricity .
19 Informed consent was obtained from all participants , and the study had approval from the institutional human ethics committee .
20 The study examines information from the CBI Pay Databank .
21 The ice took heat from the air around it .
22 Normally the foal receives affection from the very beginning of its life , first from its mother , and then , when it becomes a bit more adventurous and outgoing , from other foals and companions .
23 Certainly the company has a legal personality separate from that of the directors , but where the directors as the defendants take money from the company , they are acting as the company .
24 These leguminous plants have the capacity to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere through their specialized root nodules .
25 Bacteria in the root nodules of legumes ( Rhizobium ) have the capacity to fix nitrogen from the air , which then becomes available for use by the host plant in the form of ammonium compounds .
26 The machine played music from the future . ’
27 Legislative changes are consequent upon the Housing and Planning Act 1986 which will repeal the requirement on the NCB to seek authorisation from the secretary of state for their opencast coal activities .
28 We put the machine to the test removing rust from a section of decorative ironwork and the only problem was the tendency of the disc to bite into the metal if too much pressure was applied .
29 4pm : The Sun receives copy from a mystery source .
30 The committee took evidence from a wide variety of sources and assessed it rigorously .
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