Example sentences of "the [noun] [modal v] be given [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His decision on whether the building should be given listed status still has n't been announced .
2 The fans should be given relevant football at an affordable price in a degree of comfort .
3 Some fences can be deceiving from a distance , so the horse must be given clear aids as to what to expect so he is not taken by surprise .
4 The UN said that despite undertakings from Serb commanders the helicopters would be given safe passage it appeared Mr Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic , the Serb commander , could not control their troops of the ground .
5 Different people in the group will be given specific roles such as time keeper , secretary ; and there will be explicit rules of behaviour such as only speaking through the chair , considering one idea at a time , recapping frequently from the secretary 's minutes and so on .
6 At one extreme , the editors could be given total licence to film anything they liked and to show the House in their own way ( as when covering a football match , or as in some American state legislatures where camera and microphone men are even allowed to wander around on the floor of the House ) .
7 Any person who offers skills to the organisation should be given careful consideration ?
8 It was resolved that the attendance of the physician and the surgeons should be given free of all expense to the institution , and that each should be allowed the privileges of a governor by virtue of their appointments .
9 The student may be given appropriate formulae with the investigation or you may want the student to obtain the formulae from eg books , the tutor or other sources .
10 Thus , the subject should be given particular emphasis within programmes of post-initial in-service training for further education teachers ; consideration should be given to the possible inclusion of an element of introduction to the subject at the initial teacher-training stage ; and emphasis should be given to the provision of short courses .
11 The purpose of this study was : to examine proposals ( from the Schools Council ) for a certificate of extended education ( CEE ) — a single-subject qualification at 17 plus , for pupils staying on after the compulsory leaving age but not taking A levels ; to study pilot schemes already in operation ; and to advise the Secretary of State as to whether the CEE should be given official recognition .
12 He hoped that the government would set an example to the nation by inaugurating a period of change , but he did not believe that the estates of the realm should be given extensive political rights or that the power of the tsar should be dramatically reduced .
13 Anderson participated in the informal soundings on how best the idea might be given institutional and practical form .
14 If immediate cerebral computed tomography is available it may be used before lumbar puncture , although the patient should be given broad spectrum antibiotics first .
15 It was also agreed that sewage dumped in certain " sensitive " areas of the sea would be given secondary treatment .
16 The client should be given regular information about the costs to date and the likely cost of the next stage .
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