Example sentences of "the [noun] [be] see [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This is characterised by the perception of an author requiring a reader to make an effort in reading , but the text is seen to be maximally facilitating the search for coherence .
2 Thus the damaging divide between what is established and what is innovative is avoided , the present is seen to be an evolution from the past and not an abrupt and revolutionary change of paradigm which requires a radical shift in allegiance .
3 Every problem or alien thing can by a creative expansion of the mind be seen to be part of a larger whole within the mind .
4 When officers arrived he had climbed into the back yard and the Volvo was seen to be on fire .
5 When officers arrived he had climbed into the back yard and the Volvo was seen to be on fire .
6 Professor Parker shows that this is not always a matter of dispassionate assessment but may turn on whether the research is seen to be delivering ‘ good ’ news or ‘ bad ’ news .
7 A more marginal case is where the defendant is seen to be raising his fists in anticipation of the fight .
8 Second , it was written by a working party headed by John McFarlane , which meant that the non-practitioners were seen to be playing a prominent role in the APB 's activities and encouraging widespread debate .
9 If the expert is seen to be incompetent ( eg. if an accountant does not seem to provide sensible information ) or if his area of expertise is not widely acknowledged ( which is often the case with personnel department staff ) he will have little or no expert power .
10 Because the Council is seen to be independent of government and political parties , it is a trusted source of objective comment on how policy can affect business conditions in Scotland .
11 The head , body and arms open out boldly in such a way that the performer is seen to be fully revealed to all as an honest , sincere person who has no need to dissemble .
12 In the drawing the arrow is seen to be pulling inwards the boundary of the information field .
13 A balance between freedom , natural behaviour and complete rigidity in the classroom was seen to be the ideal goal .
14 The process was seen to be too cumbersome and costly to provide much useful guidance to purchasers , who , in any case , preferred to back their own judgement .
15 The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government .
16 The move was seen to be a response to the average daily INRO market price indicator being below the " may buy " levels in the six months leading up to the review .
17 The researcher can then produce a brief for the creative team which should include what the status of the product is seen to be , who their consumers are , what the advertising is supposed to be doing and a whole host of other basic data .
18 When the war was seen to be lost , after some vacillation he delivered himself up to the Scottish army at Newark .
19 Microscopically the alveoli are seen to be blocked with worms , eggs , larvae , and cellular aggregations which may progress to granuloma formation ( Fig. 45 ) .
20 When ownership is divorced from control , reducing the ability of managers to manipulate their reports to the owners is seen to be an important part of accounting policy-making .
21 During the final checks , the wheels were seen to be bent , and the flight had to be postponed whilst they were fixed .
22 The line diagram ( see Fig. 12.1 ) of the averages is seen to be much smoother than that of the original data ( recall Section 3.6 ) .
23 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
24 In the silence that followed most of the chiefs were seen to be in tears and the council was dissolved until the afternoon .
25 In so far as the assistance of the Americans was seen to be desirable or even imperative against Nazi Germany , he feared that they would exact a heavy price at the expense of Britain 's trade and her links with the Empire .
26 The latter was only possible if the state was seen to be separate from direct control by capital .
27 Any distortion or disruption of the floor was seen to be potentially very dangerous .
28 She asked him whether he would see the film and ‘ issue a statement about it both to encourage anxious parents and to ensure that the Church was seen to be caring about the matter ’ .
29 Whilst both the block and the hole are seen to be elements of the " component " , they must maintain a specified relationship in order that the functionality of the component is maintained , ie the domain of the hole lies within the domain of block according to the previously declared rules .
30 The answer is seen to be : 1,020,304,050,607,080,910,100 .
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