Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] it have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Cos the st er you could , you might be able to take the stand cos it 's got ta be pretty er hefty .
2 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
3 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
4 Ratagan took it from her wordlessly and held it in the flames till it had caught .
5 Being part of C&P has softened the blow because it has enabled many employees to switch to other growth areas of the chemicals business .
6 If the colliery were allowed to overcome that problem , it could soon continue to earn the money that it has earned ever since the pit was sunk earlier this century .
7 We made the mistake of not putting in the trees before the hedges and it 's taken them seven or eight years to get going because it 's so exposed .
8 The foundation brought the case after it had examined government records showing that the companies had exceeded pollution limits consistently since 1984 .
9 Ideally , of course , one hopes to get the case before it has reached this stage .
10 Whatever the case if it has become too much of a habit , this can be devastating .
11 Will the Minister commend Lagan college in my constituency for the progress that it has made in the past 10 years ?
12 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
13 But still the habit of flying north for the summer persisted among the birds and it has remained to this day , even though the journey is no longer a few miles , but several hundred .
14 There was an attempt to push the balance back in favour of the consumer , but privatisation has achieved the opposite because it has resulted in a major shift of power away from the consumer to the producer .
15 It then works its way back through all the calls until it has completed the final multiplication , when it returns the answer .
16 It is called the recession and it has blighted the lives of thousands of people who want no more than to earn an honest living and take pride in bringing up their families .
17 Intelligent input/output board supplier , Byfleet , Surrey-based Specialix Ltd , says its flagship product , the transputer-based RIO controller , is n't going down the storm that it had hoped it would : even OEM deals with the likes of Groupe Bull SA have not boosted sales , says marketing director , Ian Cummins , ‘ RIO is not selling as well as we thought it would … and our estimations on its performance in the market are nine months ahead of what has actually happened ’ .
18 It might seem that so artificial a superiority was certain to prove as transient as the hegemonies that it had replaced , although those in whose hands power lay were for the most part undaunted by the new challenges to Britain 's position that they sensed …
19 This belief in ‘ independence ’ is well entrenched in the West and it has developed out of a general mistrust of centralized political power and of power that had historically not tolerated the free expression of dissenting views .
20 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
21 I think that 's very important , it is specifically aimed at students , I mean I , this , this is no way a leaflet for the general public and , and one of the reasons is the explicitness because it 's aimed at students and that we did a lot of research with students , students were involved in the writing .
22 ‘ He had landed bang in the middle of the roof and it had caved in .
23 The function of the check , as I have already mentioned , is to catch the hammer after it has hit the string .
24 Well , when it , when it is irrational it is operating either under the influence of the id or it 's overwhelmed by some external circumstances that it just ca n't understand the controls , therefore making all the wrong decisions and acting in a completely inadequate manner .
25 Since the level of owner-occupation is rising , and the number of future retirees entitled to some form of contributory pension will exceed the current number , it seems likely that private saving will play a greater role in determining the economic status of the elderly in the future than it has done in the past .
26 I 'm gon na do the eyes when it 's finished because the white went all splodgy cos I could n't get the brush in even though I had a tiny brush .
27 The acquirer should refuse finally to settle the terms of the warranties until it has seen the disclosure letter and disclosure material .
28 There 's this big depot ship in the loch and it 's got a flotilla of submarines …
29 And he said Eventually with ropes and various other tackle it took seven of them to lift the piano back up again out of the gap that it had produced in the stairs and get it up the stairs .
30 If British tennis is to ever rise above the mediocrity that it has wallowed in for decades , then juniors have to be given greater access to courts and coaching .
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