Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] [pron] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If by the other , my lady , you refer to the regard the prince and I have for each other , pray be assured it is not pain I feel — but joy , deep joy .
2 they 'll have the expertise that we have in our site construction safety courses .
3 The accounts that you have for this year , have been rearranged .
4 ‘ But how are we ever going to listen to each other if we hold the views that we have about each other , and if we talk the way we talk to each other the way we do in the cases ? ’
5 The Col d'Aubisque is high , at 5,600 feet , and the views that you have from it are sumptuous , both back the way you have come , and now to the east as well , across to the prominent peak of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre , once thought to be the highest in the chain because it stands rather apart and closer to the plain , and before people took to actually measuring altitudes , the nearest peaks were mistaken for the tallest .
6 The last thing that manufacturing wants is a Government who adopt the European social charter which would destroy the advantage that we have in the west midlands .
7 Thank you very much , Sir Leonard for that , in th in the beginning of your address you posed the question , what does a company like I B M have to do with a community and then proceeded to answer your question , I think in a most , er , comprehensive way , and I I speak as someone who lives in a county , Hampshire , where I B M has a strong er , base , and I know from personal experience as a volunteer in that county , how much we value the contacts that we have with I B M and the way in which we work together with them in the way that you have described .
8 It would probably add to the complications in my life but it would probably lessen the hours that I have on my own , though God knows , I do n't do too badly .
9 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
10 We are a voluntary body , but thankfully are able to influence the decision-makers because we have among our members those with local knowledge and with expertise in many disciplines relevant to our work .
11 I live in the scouse pool and this is one of the opportunities that I have of going to watch Leeds .
12 Services can at least do better by parents with learning difficulties in the future than they have in the past .
13 Sheldon himself never lied to his friends about the mummy and we have to be grateful to Faujas Saint-Fond for the following account written shortly after a visit he had made on Sheldon : ‘ It is [ said Sheldon ] a mistress whom I tenderly loved .
14 But the question is you have to design the experiment and you have to be the expert .
15 An abstract data type ( ADT ) is a set of operations , operating on a collection of stored data , defined so that they are rigorous enough to specify completely the effect that they have on the data , but abstract because it must not specify how the data is stored nor how the operations are carried out .
16 when you have been through the list ask the LH to read all the words that you have in the " same " column , one after another , to see if they really are the same .
17 about analysis or me giving them the dream and I have to sort of like get out for myself what
18 Yes but when you 've been , when you 've been in the work as I have over many years with doctors , I was a mental welfare officer so I mean I know er , you know , you can be fobbed off .
19 The texts that we have of the whole Canterbury Tales are made up of a number of fragments or groups , which vary in contents from single isolated tales to sequences of several tales connected by link passages .
20 Major alterations in the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries covered up the marble and we have to be grateful to renovations in 1904 for the fact that it is now visible again .
21 You could argue that some of them work outside the home because they have to , for financial reasons , but I think it 's indisputable that a ever-growing number want to work outside the home and I think it 's very important that they should be allowed the scope to do so .
22 It 's like the attitude that you have to be good and religious , think the right thoughts , wear the right clothes , believe the right things , come from the right background , if you are in any way to be acceptable to God .
23 the City Council 's remains as efficient as possible , and erm most all the posts that we have at present , we believe are necessary , but we do continue to monitor them and see whether it is necessary to continue to employ all the people that we are employing at the moment .
24 What is important is the child that they have in front of them , and to learn to understand that child .
25 What is important is the child that they have in front of them , and to learn to understand that child .
26 Erm the calculations that we have at the moment take on board the twenty five percent back in migration as proposed in the housing figures .
27 As we have said , when bereavement care is thought of , it is usually the spouse that we have in mind as needing support , and indeed they are likely to be the ones asking for care .
28 and it 's the main reason er that it 's been brought about so that we can look after the clients that we have er cos in the past tt erm er how did you come to get the business that you have with us ?
29 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; ‘ I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
30 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
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