Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But who could have seen her in the park and reported back this quickly ?
2 From the tenth and eleventh centuries , as the church established itself in northern Spain , the French seized the opportunity and set up monastic centres in the region under the Cluniac Order .
3 And if your friends at the club tell you there 's an opportunity to go upmarket , convince your boss of the opportunity and do just that .
4 She had lifted back the veil and looked stunningly beautiful .
5 Ron Mardle has drawn up a plan for the dismantling , and we have dug out round the base and marked up some key parts of the vehicle for future recognition .
6 The only street fell steeply down towards the secondary gateway to the Manor and had about fifteen cottages on the east side of the road .
7 Thelma picked a full jug off the hotplate and brought out some cups .
8 That you see the struggle as demanding too much from you personally and so you want to get right away from it for a while ? ’
9 He saw a man crying for help with his face burned off , had to crawl over the dead and injured to reach the flames and brought out six bodies , including a child .
10 Adam leant over and wrapped his arm round the back of her head , protected her from the flames and blocked out any further damage to her .
11 If resources are to be used to increase pensions , should they not be used to target those in greatest need , rather than spreading across the board and benefiting both rich and poor ?
12 He looked down , saying nothing , then cleared the board and set up another game .
13 Shoes would be kicked off beneath the desks and lie untidily askew .
14 It is to my knowledge the first time that an ‘ in-depth ’ feature has been written about their service with the RAF and brought back many poignant memories for me for I was , to quote your September issue , ‘ one of the batch of National Service gunners posted to RAF Coningsby ’ .
15 The West Indian opened the bowling and sent down 25.5 overs including eight maidens and took six for 40 .
16 He then ran a gallant race when third to Linwell in the Mildmay Memorial Chase over three miles five furlongs at Sandown Park , conceding twenty-three pounds to the winner and finishing only one and a half lengths behind him .
17 Here , taking a milk measure from a marble slab , she bent over a big brown earthenware jar , took off the wooden lid , dipped in the measure and scooped up some clean water , which she handed to the child , saying , ‘ Drink that . ’
18 Roll out the pastry and cut out 12 shapes , using a 6.5cm ( 2–½in ) fluted round cutter .
19 The place looked heart-wrenchingly familiar , yet in several respects changed too , for as they pulled up below the main steps the first things she noticed were the banks of geraniums and polyanthus cascading over the balconies and frothing down either side of the entrance .
20 One bounce ; it hit the flag-stick and dropped about three feet from the hole .
21 Yet it is the Vauxhall that feels more potent low down .
22 And , in view of what you 've told me about the computer and knocking off all those agents , this whole thing is a lot bigger than just guarding Trimmler .
23 And er Ivy got married and she stopped the teaching and died just that same year and then there was the a change for the both teachers .
24 They can , of course , cease payment at any time , but they break the contract and forgo virtually all the benefits since very little compensation is usually available for the premiums which have already been paid .
25 Heading north go through a gap in the houses and walk over steep open fields crossing two stiles .
26 The environment that gave us opportunity was so dissimilar from that of the present as to seem more remote in time than it is .
27 When Leo made some small movement , she was suddenly brought back to the present and became mortifyingly aware that she had just emptied her heart to a virtual stranger .
28 Precisely for that reason , it is urgently necessary to consolidate the present and make definitively sure of the future .
29 It is quite possible to put a 4 cylinder engine into your 6 cylinder Land Rover The gearbox bell housing needs changing for a 4 cylinder version and the engine mountings must be cut off the chassis and moved backwards 6 inches Use a 4 cylinder exhaust system and cut 6 inches from the front pipe Use the 6 cylinder clutch Throttle linkage can be adapted from 4 cylinder cable , fuel pipes need modifying and the electric fuel pump removed Water pipes can be lengthened or use One Ten pipes cut to suit .
30 Oliver poured orange juice , drank half of it in the kitchen while looking very thoughtful and then carried Rain 's to the bedroom .
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