Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] to [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In western Siberia , while Turkic tribes from the steppes moved into the southern fringe of the forest and pressed upon the Samoeds , the Ugrian ( Khanty and Mansi ) peoples moving eastward from the Ural mountains into the Ob-Irtysh basin also mixed with the Samoeds , who by then occupied the northern forest and tundra from the White Sea in the west almost to the Lena in the east .
2 Millet took the bus to the pre-war inelegance of the College close to the Thames towpath and blessed the warmth that he found on the upper deck .
3 It was another neighbour , Dandelion , who had now brought the talk back to the Threarah and his indifference to Fiver 's fear .
4 Chelmsford 's confidence was dented , a missing a chance to go one up on the 12th and then losing the next two holes as hope of taking the trophy back to the Widford clubhouse evaporated .
5 For the centuries up to the Tudor times the main instrument of local government outside the boroughs was the manor court , and the best introduction to the whole subject remains Life on the English Manor by H.S. Bennett .
6 Shover ( 1980 ) examined the clash of interests in the run up to the US Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act , 1977 .
7 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
8 ‘ The question of education and health was being discussed in the run up to the Edinburgh Summit and at the summit , ’ said Claridge .
9 In their statement the ministers also pointed to the importance of a forthcoming meeting of TCA presidents in the run up to the June 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Brazil .
10 In 1280 , for example , ‘ the metes and bounds of the New Forest from the first time that it was afforested ’ were said to extend from the Test westwards to the Avon , and from the Solent northwards to the Wiltshire county boundary .
11 I found a sheet of paper , a certificate which formally handed the vehicle over to the Frankenstein family .
12 The exit on to the Naas road was the most dangerous in Kildare .
13 It accounts for the constant visits of the apostle to the Gentiles back to the Jerusalem church ( Acts 18:21 , 20:16 , 25:1 etc. ) , and his organisation of a great collection for their benefit , little though he could have approved of their theology ( Rom. 15:26 , I Cor. 16:1 , 2 Cor. 8:1ff ) .
14 " Now in 1849 both companies supplied virtually the same water … the Lambeth Company got theirs from the Thames close to the Hungerford Bridge ; the Southwark and Vauxhall Company got theirs at Battersea-fields .
15 And the company claims that out of 210 who registered comments , 209 favoured a supermarket development on the site close to the Bangor to Caernarfon A487 road .
16 Purists are giving the thumbs up to the Everton away strip in salmon and navy which , according to Umbro , harks back to the 1880s for inspiration , while Man Utd 's basic blue and Ipswich Town 's nod towards the Thirties also appeal .
17 In February 1990 a meeting was held between the then Prime Minister Miklós Németh , the then acting President Matyás Szürös and opposition party representatives , to discuss the period up to the March-April multiparty parliamentary elections , [ for which see pp. 37325 ; 37380 ] .
18 However , in the period up to the Robbins Report of 1963 , there was a considerable growth in the provision of advanced courses in the further education sector , mainly in science and technology .
19 But the UN force in Namibia should have been up to handling the affair rather than turn the job over to the South Africans ; it would have been able to cope if it had been as strong as originally intended and deployed in good time with a decent plan in its knapsack .
20 The improved A55 not only speeds the lorries eastwards to the Mersey , but brings holidaymakers , settlers and business ideas west .
21 He had thought of Harry all the way out of Rome to Leonardo da Vinci , all the time that he had stood in the check-in line , all the time he had sat on the Alitalia , all the time he had stood at Customs and Immigration at Athens International , all the time in the taxi out to the Kifisia suburb .
22 Trent had followed the rivulet down to the Belpan River , crawling the entire distance , squirming silently through the mud and rotting vegetation .
23 In 1280 , for example , ‘ the metes and bounds of the New Forest from the first time that it was afforested ’ were said to extend from the Test westwards to the Avon , and from the Solent northwards to the Wiltshire county boundary .
24 Pointing out the growing difficulty in policing the densely populated Gaza Strip , and stressing that , unlike the West Bank , Jews could find few meaningful historical links with Gaza , the plan advocated the handing over of the area either to the UN or to a governing body of Palestinians .
25 Its owner , Lord Kemsley , leased the presses instead to the Sunday Pictorial ( renamed Sunday Mirror in 1963 ) .
26 I believe Air Force One is standing by at Upper Heyford to fly the coffin back to the States .
27 Day Five : Have an early breakfast then all too soon it will be time to catch the train back to the Hook of Holland for the crossing back to Harwich and onward rail journey to London , where your arrival time will be approximately 9 p.m .
28 The drive up to the Ryans ' farm was muddy and unkempt .
29 Besides , neither of us liked the idea of the swim out to the Nocturne .
30 Arguing against the project , the independent scholar Cesare d'Onofrio has pointed out that ‘ the proposed creation of an archaeological park would involve excavating down five to six metres below the present level and the creation of an immense basin stretching from the edge of Piazza Venezia and engulfing whole areas of the city up to the Porta Appia and beyond , embracing in its metal fences and walls not only the Forums , the Colosseum , the Domus Aurea , the Oppian and Coelian hills , the Circus Maximus etc. but , of necessity , a whole series of churches and medieval , Renaissance and baroque basilicas which would stand wrenched both from their historical context and from their place in the daily life of modern Rome ’ .
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