Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [det] [noun sg] when " in BNC.

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1 I tell you this : never again shall I drink from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of God ( of my Father ) ( Mark 14:22–25 ; Matt.
2 But they made no mistake on the stroke of half time when Stevenson pounced on an Elliott pass to crack the ball through a ruck of bodies after Wrexham failed to clear a free kick .
3 And how empty it would seem , compared with the spring of this year when she had put the tall forsythia stems in the black glass vase in Luke 's office .
4 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
5 What is more important for our purposes is the way in which the aggregate demand curve interacts with the aggregate supply curve to determine the equilibrium general level of prices and the equilibrium level of output ; we are especially interested in the nature of that interaction when expectations are rational .
6 We can see that it coincided with the beginning of that period when society in Britain was to adjust to the absolutely new conditions of the Industrial Revolution , to develop the political thought that signalled the recognition of the need to adjust , and of the institutions to realise the adjustment .
7 Edmund Bogg , writing at the beginning of this century when the feast lasted several days , learnt from the vicar that the origins of ‘ burning owd Bartle ’ were lost in the mists of time , but the figure represented St Bartholomew .
8 Even though he was talking unemotionally his voice reflected the shock of that moment when the canvas flap at the back of the gypsy caravan had parted , revealing the barrels of the two Kalashnikovs .
9 Imagine our surprise at the start of this season when this fresh-faced , super-fit figure came striding across the Loughborough training pitch .
10 Time passing never softened the impact of that moment when she looked down the table to where Twomey waited for Aunt Tossie to give her attention to the pudding he offered .
11 Apart from the system of Speenhamland , which was judged a disastrous failure in Britain , little thought was given again to the idea until the turn of this century when proposals for family allowances were being seriously discussed by a variety of left-wing political and feminist groups .
12 Towards the end of each session when clients are setting themselves homework tasks , make a point of writing down on a piece of paper , in specific terms , what it is they are supposed to do .
13 If pay settlements in the private sector continue to decelerate to 2 per cent and the underlying rate of inflation edges up to around 3.75 per cent by the end of this year when the effects of cheaper mortgages start working their way out of consumer budgets , there is little doubt that many individuals will find their real disposable incomes squeezed .
14 And Ireland 's top traditional dancers are bracing themselves for even more misery at the end of this month when the 18-year-old whizz-kid is due to return for the World Championships in Dublin .
15 He will now travel to Manchester for the North of England final at the end of this month when he will cook his dishes in front of a panel of judges .
16 The walks come as the International Whaling Committee is to meet at the end of this month when the whaling nations are expected to ask to have a ban on whaling lifted .
17 BIG Brother will be watching you from the end of this week when spy cameras start to operate in north-east Essex .
18 Fletcher , who , as captain , guided Essex to their first eight trophies between 1979 and 1985 , is widely expected to replace Micky Stewart at the end of this season when he retires , probably to take up a role with the TCCB .
19 It was decided that a charge of eighteen shillings should be made on the Cambridge School of Anatomy to cover the cost of each coffin when bodies of unclaimed and unknown persons were sent there .
20 We were always rather intrigued with their eagerness and how they all seemed to pick up and wallow in the atmosphere of this period when it was very trying for the squadron commander if he was not on the evening .
21 We can rediscover the continuity of time only in the novels of that period when time no longer seemed stopped and did not yet seem to have exploded .
22 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
23 For Joan , though she had not recognized the fact until that instant when the words crossed her lips , had meant what she said .
24 reminds the reader of that moment when the shadow falls ‘ Between the potency/ And the existence ’ , or of Tiresias 's being trapped unfulfilled in sexual desire , bearing witness to all the ritualistically patterned couplings of history , ‘ throbbing between two lives ’ .
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