Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun] both [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The experience of California both in pollution control policies and as a testing or proving ground strongly influenced the direction of federal policies during the 1960s .
2 The mass of altars both against the walls and on the piers are of high quality .
3 Sacrosanctum Concilium speaks of the presence of Christ both in the sacraments and in the liturgical reading of the Word ( SC 7 ) ; Dei Verbum likewise speaks of ‘ the one table of the Word of God and the Body of Christ ’ ( DV 21 ) .
4 Baldwin disliked the level of unemployment both for its own sake and because he believed it worked against the evolution of a moderate Labour Party .
5 Crucial to individualism is the conviction that people are agents who determine the course of events both by choosing between existing options , and by creating the options themselves .
6 The constancy of heat both on Earth and in animal species has a bearing on life and death cycles .
7 He may have come to this decision in 1531 or 1532 and then proceeded cautiously because of the fear of opposition both at home and abroad .
8 The notion of Languages for All was proposed in Circular 1178 and supported in Working Paper No. 9 , and both publications are undoubtedly beginning to influence the work of schools both in special and mainstream sectors .
9 The farmers are carrying on the work in defiance both of cantonal regulations and a supreme court injunction ordering them to stop .
10 will study these network relationships between firms and the extent to which they affect the competitiveness over time both of suppliers and customers .
11 What is know of Gordon Thomas — all to little — makes this unlikely since he was an ambitious man with a strong personality who would certainly have been aware of the advantages of publicity both for himself and the lift .
12 It is found in a manuscript in the Bodleian Library , Oxford ( MS Digby 86 ) , that appears to have been written within the diocese of Worcester both for , and , arguably , by , a layman and is datable between the accession of Edward I in 1272 and the end of the eleventh year of his reign in November 1283 .
13 Zuckerman 's proposal of marriage to Maria in The Counterlife is an indication of its importance , and of the importance of escape both for the tradition and for the unsatisfiable Roth .
14 The latter half of the sixteenth century does , arguably , represent a significant turning point in the development of the hierarchy : until that time one can argue that its evolution had been largely functional , that the nature of the hierarchy ensured that those who reached the highest learned offices would have received a thorough grounding in the necessary sciences through both their education and their teaching , and practical training in the application of the law through holding several important kadiliks ; but that after that time , that is , from toward the end of the sixteenth century , the elaboration of the hierarchy was much more negative from the point of view both of learning and of good administration , being essentially an attempt to provide jobs and honours for an ever-increasing number of those seeking both .
15 From the early 1880s he was conscious of the need for reform both for its own sake and to check the potential threat from labour to the political status quo .
16 The coming of God is linked with the making of rain both through the ‘ nimbus ’ and in what follows .
17 The idea of older workers being surplus to labour requirements has been crucial to the development of pensions both in Britain ( the 1925 pensions legislation ) and the United States ( the Social Security Act of 1935 ) .
18 Within the Occident , such a process has been highly influential in the development of genres both in an older literary tradition and also in more recent media such as film .
19 The student will develop the skills and knowledge required to process client requirements for air travel sold in and ticketed in the UK for journeys both within the UK and originating from the UK ( SITI ) .
20 This was borne out on the Wednesday when insurgent soldiers pressed the Soviet to issue an order — Order No. 1 — which severely circumscribed the authority of officers both by sanctioning the election of soldiers ' committees with control over weapons and by laying down that officers ' orders were to be subject to the Soviet 's approval .
21 Never forget that it is not the speed that the horse jumps the fence , but the rhythm maintained and picked up immediately on landing and the economy of route both into and away from fences that gives a fast time .
22 Along the whole Mediterranean coast there was a considerable increase in the volume of trade both in agricultural products sought by northern Europe and in exports to the colonies .
23 From another point of view , Newton has reconsidered the whole debate in an attempt to assess the impact of size both on functional effectiveness and democracy .
24 It is not surprising therefore that the growth of the electronic information industry has felt the impact of cutbacks both in corporate and domestic spending .
25 They were designed to carry the maximum possible tonnage of coal under the Thames bridges with the minimum of clearance both under keel and overhead .
26 The sampling of companies both by direct means ( interview ) and indirect means ( questionnaire ) , firstly , enabled questions to be tested across cultural boundaries ; secondly , permitted a more accurate checking of findings ; and , thirdly , facilitated comparisons and generalisations to be made between Germany , Holland and the UK .
27 The air base had been the subject of controversy both in Italy [ see p. 36434 ] and in the USA , where Congress had only agreed to vote funds after the beginning of the Gulf crisis .
28 Among these are the St Paul by d'Arpino , The Sacrifice in the Temple and The Building of the Temple of Solomon both by F. Bassano , J. Bassano 's Noah 's Ark , Tintoretto 's Flagellation of Christ and an Adoration by Veronese .
29 By raising or lowering these gates , one could control the flow of water both into and out of the pond and thence into the sluice , at the other end of which was the pipe which fed the turbine in its house below .
30 The causes of marginalisation both in Europe and the Third World , the nature of the actions necessary to overcome it and the implications for industrial society in doing so are as yet poorly understood .
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