Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
2 THE leaders on the third leg of the Whitbread Round the World Race have cleared the southern tip of Tasmania and the outlying islands and begun their passage across the Tasman Sea to Cape Reinga at the north end of the North Island of New Zealand , writes Bob Fisher .
3 Since consultants gave their time free they were more available in more wealthy urban areas which could support the private practices that provided their income .
4 The law ensured the " autonomy " of the armed forces but expanded their existing responsibilities for sovereignty and national territorial integrity to involve them in civil defence and the restoration of internal order at the request of the head of the Senate .
5 On March 8 , 1991 , Defence Minister ter Beek announced a 10-year plan to reorganize the military which would cut the size of the armed forces but improve their mobility and flexibility .
6 Leave the PR firms to produce the glossy releases and charge their clients accordingly , and let yours look like the raw news that it is .
7 In 1536 and 1539 , Henry and Cromwell dissolved the English monasteries and confiscated their wealth and property .
8 Roads and railways were improved ; frequent patrols were made to assess the enemy 's strength and positions ; and aircraft not only kept constant watch on the German lines but prevented their aircraft from taking off .
9 For a terrible moment , something flared in his heart and he felt an insidious tug at his mind : how would it be to enter that Realm , and talk with the Dark Lords and learn their secrets … ?
10 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
11 The yard must be full of water , the first probing lines running ahead of the oncoming battalions and bringing their debris .
12 Today 's Stagisti , guided by the mechanical tragedies that befell their hapless predecessors , know that preventive maintenance is the key to dependability .
13 The multitudinous hazards that face their young — the predatory fish , the vagaries of the currents , the absence of islands over vast areas of the surrounding ocean — are met and ultimately defeated by sheer numbers .
14 Small Free Range Egg producers have the following advantages when retailing their own eggs .
15 This unnerved the three countries and confirmed their instinct to look westward .
16 They drove off the hostile bands and shortened their lines of communication , now running back to Ainaro , to where the headquarters had moved .
17 They would live here while they gathered the leafless branches of the surrounding trees and prepared their charcoal for winter use in the local castle or town .
18 The Galileans ' decision to defend the first was motivated by the perceptual experiences that accompanied their telescopic sightings of Jupiter , and Kepler 's decision to record the second was likewise based on his perceptual experiences when directing a telescope towards Mars .
19 The deputation which arrived soon after the unfortunate events that attended their arrival had made it quite clear that he should not surrender such precious captives .
20 Great cars helped to develop great drivers and wealthy Britons Lord Howe and Sir Henry Birkin were two of the many aristocrats that tried their hand at the sport .
21 And they couldn't 've well for example with taxation , they could 've erm not taxed the rich peasants at all and then just put all their erm their sort of focus upon the poor peasants and got their income through them and also with land , they could 've just not given any land to poor peasants who were inefficient and given it all to the rich peasants and really gone for a capitalist state .
22 Creative politics may well have served the lads handsomely at their inception , but it 's the stupid sounds that secure their place in history .
23 The new powerful groups may perceive the existing arrangements as limiting their abilities to achieve their desired ends , and lead them to demand change .
24 We also make use of the photo-copying facilities and use their premises for our winter evening meetings .
25 The duo 's set seemed lethargic , a muddy mix robbing them of the textured subtleties that make their records so invigorating .
26 The hybridisations of YACs on cosmids together with the order of the cosmid probes hybridised to the YAC filters were used to help order the cosmid contigs and check their internal consistency .
27 These , and the ways in which the Directive has been interpreted , are analysed below , wherever possible segregating the various elements and assessing their impact .
28 Architects and craftsmen came to Russia to build the first churches and to share their experience with the Russians .
29 They were not outstanding , however , as technical innovators , preferring simply to adopt , or in some cases adapt , the best of the available designs and put their efforts into efficient manufacture , a high standard of materials and workmanship , and competitive marketing .
30 They claim they dropped out because of the increasing costs and argue their route would only cost about £1.7bn .
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