Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yet here , on the verge of the Lowlands , most of the gentry had hedged their bets ; some had even entertained the Butcher as he progressed triumphally from one massacre to the next and had then bought over the gutted glens and stocked them with the great sheep .
2 But a few instants later , she needed no other support than the strong arms that seized her and gathered her to a broad chest , the lips in her hair uttering the words that sent the blood rushing through her veins .
3 You really can not tell me too much — I would rather sift through a huge amount of detail and give you a definite answer than have to suggest all the possible alternatives and leave you to figure out which applies in your case .
4 The study of portraits on coins is therefore as much about the political factors that influenced them as about their intrinsic or moral interest .
5 It is necessary to examine the idea of coalitionism and the political forces that made it a powerful alternative before considering its direct impact on the Unionist party .
6 Ember moved with an ease that soon took him out of sight among the frost-clawed rocks and left her panting , furious with him but unable to catch up to say a single one of the angry remarks cartwheeling through her mind .
7 Lee Rodwell on the conflicting views that leave her feeling muddled and guilty
8 That meant that social workers would collect the child from the foster parents and take her to a venue where the grandparents would be able to visit , said Mr Nott .
9 ‘ Six years , and then burning up this last week I 've spent in Singapore , regretting the entrenched prejudices that stopped me making love to you last time we were together .
10 However , make sure you have recovered all of the stolen objects and returned them to their curators .
11 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
12 The child finds the same letters on the eight cubes and places them correctly in the tray underneath the card .
13 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
14 Graham calling from in Sussex , is it the economic aspects that concern you most ?
15 While she is away feeding they take the strange kittens and rub them gently in the bedding that carries the female 's scent .
16 They do n't ca they do n't care I used to say that a if I said that to Steven pack it in , somebody will hear , he 'd say well open the bloody windows and let them hear !
17 When Josè , the Portuguese housekeeper whom they had promoted to become a shop manager , had nowhere to live , they bought her a house , oversaw the extensive repairs and stocked it with furniture .
18 Michele secured the motor-boat to one of the mooring rings and handed her out .
19 Whatever I use , whether it is a crystal ball , a pack of cards , or an article belonging to somebody , it is simply a stageprop ; something that gives me the right vibrations and helps me to see the right pictures . ’
20 So good that , providing you take it to the right places and use it expertly , you should have no difficulty in doubling your pocketmoney every week .
21 ‘ People coming and going ’ were to provide Bischof 's subject matter in the eight years of life that remained to him after his meeting with Rosellina ; people in camps , people displaced by the Second World War and then by the regional wars that succeeded it , from Eastern Europe to Indochina , and from Scandinavia to Japan .
22 But unless you can grasp the private contractors and make them cooperate within this or encourage them to do so , there 's absolutely no way you can have a so-called seamless journey .
23 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
24 There are , of course , many other important points that I have not touched on , such as the administrative procedures that make it possible to build a power station , the organisation of nuclear safety , and the protection of the environment .
25 Secondly , the white paper and the working documents that supplemented it give only the barest outline of the market framework and leave several key issues unresolved .
26 This will kill the green blob lurking in the watery depths and help you avoid the workman .
27 We count the florid banknotes and hand them over across the desk .
28 Corbett vaguely recalled the building as a pleasant two-storeyed affair : the fire must have caught the sun-dried timbers and turned it into this blackened mess .
29 I knew that Quechua , the lineal descendant of the Inca language , was spoken by the majority of the Peruvian Indians and told him that in the Gaelic-speaking parts of Scotland there were similar tensions .
30 They are experiencing what women have always known — that the life-sustaining relationships that enable us to grit our teeth and pick our way through the mess made by men , to endure and to survive , are those we share with other women : our mothers , our sisters , our neighbours and friends .
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