Example sentences of "the [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 A compensatory increase in fat intake was seen after six hours and at 12 hours the total fat intake was the same as in the control group .
2 The cavity contains a two-level medium of length L , and the total optical path is The boundary conditions at the entrance and exit from the medium are , respectively : and The latter relation simply implies a unique relationship between the transmitted field amplitude ET and the internal field .
3 The normal crystallising event is the taking of steps to enforce the charge but there are others and these will be dealt with later .
4 The Georgian independent republic was the most solidly based of the three .
5 Twenty years ago , the European Economic Community was the Six .
6 The European Environmental Bureau is the federal organisation representing voluntary environmental bodies in the 12 European Community Member States .
7 Not many buildings of this period survive unaltered ; the palace in Fig. 284 shows a Grand Canal façade of the time with cubiform capitals and stilted as well as semicircular arches , while the finest complete example is the Cathedral of SS .
8 In this period , however , by far the largest occupational scheme was the independently organized Durham Miners Permanent Relief Society , originating in the 1860s , which by the 1890s had 140,000 contributing members and 4,000 pensions being paid out .
9 The largest conventional university is the University of London ( in effect a federation of largely independent colleges ) , which has over 40,000 students , followed a long way behind by the Universities of Wales , Oxford , Cambridge , Leeds and Manchester , each of which have over 10,000 students .
10 The liberals of Cadiz were well aware of the perils of attacking the position of the Church in an assembly where the largest single group was the clergy ; they saw their majorities on church questions sink alarmingly .
11 The largest single file was the 100% ED level file for Outer London , which was 320 MB .
12 , A league table of governments ' contributions to UNEP reveals that the largest single donor is the USA ( $11.5 million ) , followed by Japan ( $6.8 million ) , the Soviet Union ( $5.9 million ) , and the UK ( $5.7 million ) .
13 The sole remaining restraint is the requirement that the advertising must not impair the solicitor 's independence and integrity and must not bring the profession into disrepute .
14 Col. Jean-Baptiste Bagaza came to power in a coup in 1976 , and introduced a civilian Constitution ( 1981 ) under which single party elections were held in 1982 , the sole legal party being the Union pour le progrès national ( UPRONA ) .
15 The first I would label the ‘ naturalist ’ approach , and the classic British example is the highly influential work of Havelock Ellis , especially his majestic Studies in the Psychology of Sex .
16 THE STORY of British incompetence wasting the flower of ANZAC youth on a Dardanelles beach , this was one of two great war flicks to come out of the late '70s/early '80s Australian movie boom ( the ‘ Nam-set The Odd Angry Shot was the other ) .
17 The fourth factor identified by Handy in the situational jig- saw is the environment :
18 The representative middle-class institution was the family , which reached its apotheosis in the nineteenth century .
19 They brought , not another Bailén , but defeat after defeat , justifying Napoleon 's judgement that the Spanish regular army was the worst in Europe .
20 One thing you will have noticed if you were discussing the selection of the pieces of information on the Spanish Civil War is the need to justify your choices or decisions .
21 The Spanish Civil War was the result of the collapse of political and social coexistence among Spaniards ; and , in turn , fashioned subsequent political developments , inside each of the opposing war zones which emerged in the summer of 1936 , between them , and between them and the outside world .
22 The lower left-hand graph is the short-run aggregate production function and the lower right-hand graph illustrates the economy 's labour market .
23 The principle behind the fifty millesimal scale is the raising of the remedy 's dynamic strength whilst reducing the duration and intensity of its action by a high degree of dilution .
24 The Underwater Disappearing Trick is the only thing that matters .
25 The most interesting aspect of this exhibition supported by the Deutscher Museumsbund ( German Museums Association ) and the Franco-German Cultural Council is the catalogue .
26 The Bombing Years , I stress and support the Harris claim that the Allied strategic bombing was the main contribution to the downfall of Hitler 's Reich and our victory in Europe .
27 What is concerning the right hon. Gentleman is the fact that the economy is moving back into growth and he does not like it .
28 The right hon. Gentleman was the grinning accomplice of those who reduced benefits for people injured at work .
29 The effects of the New Poor Law , after 1834 , suffused as it was with an assumption that the stable two-parent family was the norm , were probably less to encourage female sexual autonomy , and a ‘ sexual revolution ’ than to diminish female control .
30 Ramsey ended the week with a conviction that Temple 's quiet explanation of a Christian philosophy of life was the right way to expound Christianity in modern society and that the emotional popular mission was the wrong way because it appealed to the wrong emotions .
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