Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] of [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Between 1985 and 2025 the number of pensioners was set to rise from 9 million to over 12 million ; and the total cost of pensions for the public would rise from £17 billion a year to almost £36 billion if pensions were linked with prices and to a colossal £50 billion if they were linked , as Labour wanted , to the higher of either prices or earnings .
2 The total number of observations for each of the ten points in increasing order of risk rating are as follows : 532 , 230 , 146 , 75 , 64 , 24 , 13 , 16 , 9 , 11 .
3 The total number of casuals for the four weeks previously was nine , none of whom were men .
4 However in this aircraft we have specified a very high degree of re reliability and if you look at the total number of occurrences for each piece of equipment that are going to require maintenance , it 's so low that it does n't justify the provision of maintenance facilities on every base .
5 The total number of ways for all N 2 molecules to be placed can then be obtained from the product of all possible ways , i.e.
6 Disclose the total amount of payments for compensation for loss of office .
7 Steve McIvor , campaigns director for the anti-vivisection association , said : ‘ The public who support safari parks should be outraged by the shameful sale of monkeys for the lab trade .
8 Rejecting the simultaneous freeing of prices for most goods and services ( the so-called " Polish variant " ) , Ryzhkov announced " a stage-by-stage introduction of market methods of price formation combined with state control over the level and movement of prices " .
9 Thus we see in sociology two strikingly different analyses of crimes of violence against women : one in which they are the infrequent consequence of a few mentally deranged men ( which is supported by the low incidence of such crimes in the criminal statistics ) ; and one in which they are an institutionalized set of practices which are part of an overarching system of gender inequality ( in which the low number of convictions for such crimes is merely evidence of the state 's collusion ) .
10 The finest range of tours for the discerning traveller .
11 Also in the gallery is the holographic giftshop which offers a rare opportunity to purchase fascinating souvenirs from a dazzling range of laser products , the latest hologram watches and calculators and a unique range of holographic jewellery , with the largest selection of holograms for the home .
12 HDS claims the award makes it the largest supplier of X-terminals for commercial applications in the business , a new area for the things .
13 In Birmingham , the largest number of placements for juveniles during the first eighteen months of the scheme were as messengers and porters , workers in drilling , milling , engineering , and brass foundries , business clerks , and labourers in warehouses .
14 She clocked up the largest number of seizures for any postwar cutter to date , ranging from the Polish fishing fleet on the north east coast , to yachts in the south and west .
15 The Guinness Book of Records says it ‘ will not publish any category for the largest collection of conkers for fear that trees might suffer wholesale damage . ’
16 Because of the possible multiplicity of targets for change , it is deceptive to consider this process problem- solving .
17 It is to be hoped that NAB 's more open approach will enable it to win consent from the public sector institutions for difficult and unpalatable decisions , though clearly some of its deliberations , concerning the possible closing of institutions for example , will have to be conducted in private .
18 … for the first time in the history of the 500-year-old world economy , the profitable production of manufactures for the world market has finally become possible to a significant and increasing extent , not only in the industrialized countries , but also now in the developing countries .
19 Relatives remain the greatest source of carers for pre-school children ; childminders account for 26 per cent .
20 Thus great areas of central Spain were condemned to the extensive farming of cereals for low yields at great expense of labour .
21 The urban motorway of Newcastle-upon-Tyne is perhaps the ultimate in the drive to destroy totally the historic landscape of towns for the sake of short-term convenience and gain .
22 You do n't need to be a wine expert to make the right choice of wines for any of your Christmas meals — simply take a trip to Safeway , recently awarded the title of Supermarket Wine Merchant of the Year 92/93 and look at the staggering array of wines on offer .
23 One of these is that of balancing the line — having just the right number of operatives for the various work stations on the line .
24 What 's more , the toolbox will change automatically as you switch between programs , should you so desire , to load the right set of buttons for the application you 're in .
25 In 1988 Edinburgh acquired the complete set of watercolours for Edward Moxon 's edition of The Poetical works of Thomas Campbell , the only set of his illustrations now remaining together .
26 This it does by minimising public provision of childcare , child benefit , housing and jobs and maximising the private responsibility of men for dependent women and children .
27 Weisstein , for instance , criticizes the mainstream psychology of women for constructing ‘ theory without evidence ’ .
28 She got out as soon as she could , and found work in the weaving sheds — " she was a good weaver ; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen " — marry , produce nine children , eight of whom emigrated to the cotton mills of Massachusetts before the First World War , managed , " never went before the Guardians " .1 It was much , much later that I learned from One Hand Tied Behind Us that four was the usual number of looms for a Lancashire weaver ; Burnley weavers were not well organised , and my great-grandmother had six not because she was a good weaver but because she was exploited . "
29 Yesterday 's newspapers contained the usual number of advertisements for abortions in private clinics .
30 Far away from the usual round of interviews for reasons of record promotion , he was etching his personality into the minds of the readers .
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