Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 When we have completed the prescriptions , we shall be able to give a detailed account of how much will be spent in each ESA , so that details of the total amount will be in the public domain .
2 The level of contributions had been increased sharply in recent years in order to make provision for a demographic trend whereby in the early part of the 21st century an increased proportion of the total population would be in receipt of retirement benefits at a time when the proportion in work ( and therefore contributing to the funds ) would be reduced .
3 Any manufacturer or service supplier not already established in the European market will be in no position to compete in ‘ 1992 ’ .
4 As the moratorium on takeovers within the industry ceases at the end of 1993 the combined group will be in a position to be a predator and former hunter Manchester-based Granada could turn into the hunted .
5 The Spanish match will be in Glasgow on Saturday , April 4 , and the Irish game in Dublin a week later .
6 The greatest change will be in the public perception of what part universities play in the education system .
7 The professional framework will be in place — systems have been designed to support the all important task of needs assessments .
8 Should it be completed before the next election , the Labour Government will be in a position to examine the full costs of cancellation .
9 Astrologically , there is no indication that the Labour Party will be in power this year .
10 ‘ I think the strongest challenge will be in this order : Cadalora , Zeelenberg and Bradl .
11 The defendants had not contested the jurisdiction of the English court and must be taken to have accepted that the dispute would be settled in accordance with English procedure ; the English court must be in full control of its own procedures and not allow procedural battles to develop in other countries which would add to the expense and dislocate the timetable of English litigation .
12 Tyndale ensured that the English Bible should be in a popular and spoken , rather than a literary , language .
13 However , apart from the question of whether the British economy will be in this condition in the future , the experience of the last attempt , in the 1940s and 1950s , to keep older workers in the labour force is not very encouraging ( Hannah , 1986 ) .
14 And a copy of this in the German language will be in the er museum .
15 France , he said , must insist on exact compliance with consultation provisions and ‘ if the Vietnamese were to be allowed from the start to negotiate and sign international treaties without full prior consultation and approval the foundation and future of the French Union would be in peril . ’
16 The last examination working to the old syllabus will be in December 1993 .
17 And then the old man might be in the back yard somewhere and he could here that the bell going .
18 The remaining growth will be in industry — mainly the cement industry .
19 Instead , it was felt that the principal impact would be in preventing the transfer to the car of a large number of cyclists who would otherwise
20 Jobs says NeXT has left its loss-making days behind and claims the privately-held company will be in a position to make a profit in 1993 .
21 Sometimes adults , inexperienced and suspicious of drama , could not cope with a vague suggestion that the second partner should be in role as a friend , colleague or relative .
22 Firstly it is not guaranteed that the required information will be in the larger lexicon .
23 More often the photographic session will be in the studio and it will be virtually impossible to work with people who are not professional models in these very artificial circumstances .
24 The confused horse will be in a state of conflict , torn between two or more courses of action .
25 It seemed to Carolyn that there must be a vividly speeded up life flitting through the infant 's dreams , as if it skimmed in the air like a bird over the facts of its life and they were reflected as changingly and as unknowingly on its face as the moving bird would be in seas , rivers , lakes , in stagnant puddles on flat roofs , and silted-up canals .
26 Normally the leading set will be in harder focus than the rear set .
27 They followed a pattern which was virtually invariable , for Haussmann decided what the optimum height should be in relation to street width and perspective , a feature which was most noticeable in the avenue Napoleon III ( now avenue de l'Opéra ) , which had as its focal point Garnier 's great Opera House , the epitome of Second Empire architectural style .
28 James Williamson , director of estates with Darlington health authority , said the keenly-awaited scanner should be in place by the end of the year .
29 However jewel-like the good will may be in its own right , there is a morally significant difference between rescuing someone from a burning building and dropping him from a twelfth storey window while trying to rescue him .
30 The good player will be in the same position at impact as he was at address ( above left ) , while the bad player 's hands will be well forward of the ball at impact ( above right ) .
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