Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 But the cost of conversion often pushed the total outlay way over the property 's market value .
2 Much has changed in the European energy picture over the past decade and much will change over the next two , yet one central preoccupation persists and will persist , and that is Europe 's dependence on imported oil .
3 Lawrence 's life , that which followed the historic desert victory over the Turks and the capture of Damascus by the Arabs , led by Prince Feisal .
4 The machines have replaced $90m of mainframe equipment for the cellular telephone business over the past two years .
5 An attempt would then be made to drag Cocello into the dispute by Clasper making a public appeal to the President to reinstate the sacked shop steward over the heads of plant and divisional management .
6 Subsequently , it merged with the other original cyclone to the north of Norway with the elimination of the high pressure ridge over the Atlantic .
7 With an average of 10,000 tennis playing members in his clubs alone , Lloyd has hit upon the formula which by its very success , is speedily replacing the ‘ traditional ’ tag which had so burdened the British tennis club over the years .
8 So individual examples have been chosen as representative of many others , followed by a statistical appraisal of the entry and drop-out rate of all firms in the British headhunting business over the last four decades .
9 The contraction of the British manufacturing base over the last decade had done little to reduce overall concentration .
10 Probably the most overworked word in any description of the British prison system over the last decade or more has been ‘ crisis ’ .
11 Some organisations reduce the level of the foreign service premium over the period that the employee spends abroad on the basis that he becomes increasingly accustomed to the life style as time progresses .
12 In any event adjustments are required where the cumulative inflation rate over the three years is approaching or exceeds 100 per cent and the operations in the hyper-inflationary economies are material to the group .
13 Four thousand Schoolchildren from all over Oxfordshire will be filing into the Old Fire Station over the next few days to enjoy the drama , and displays .
14 Spoon the remaining cheese mixture over the bread , sprinkle with the extra cheese and bake for 5–10 minutes until the loaf is hot through and the cheese has melted .
15 The time between the first step command and the position detector pulse signalling completion of the first step is proportional to the value of COUNT , which is inversely proportional to the average motor speed over the step .
16 In the basic system described here the switching angle effective for one stem depends on the average motor speed over the previous step .
17 In the meantime try using the intervallic interchange technique over the chords to some ‘ standard ’ tunes .
18 Increases in value included 403% for the European Fund and 268% for the Global Leisure Fund over the five years .
19 Now what has happened here is that on the previous public enquiry over the Tetsworth site , Tetsworth , Great Milton and various other Parish Councils have the defence of producing sites which they think are appropriate or better than their own site , and they mentioned Wheatley .
20 The consequent improvement in overall system efficiency represents a significant advantage of the bipolar bridge drive over the unipolar drive and for this reason most large 1 kW ) stepping motors , including variable-reluctance types , are operated from bipolar drives .
21 Economists and others who have considered the human capital notion over the years can be divided into two groups : those who have argued that human beings increase national wealth ; and those who went a step further to argue that improving the quality of human beings through health , education and other services increases their productivity as labourers and hence adds to the national wealth .
22 This was darkish , lighted only by the stained glass fan-window over the shut front door .
23 For the left , the social contract was to be intimately connected with the industrial policy which had been taking shape under the auspices of the National Executive Committee over the early '70s .
24 The bourgeoisie was evidently not a ruling class in the sense in which the old-style landowner was , whose position gave him , de jure or de facto , the effective state power over the inhabitants of his territory .
25 Resource allocation mechanisms are always contentious but because of reduced real growth in total funding in the current year debate over the way resources are shared between and within regions has intensified .
26 But the smart money is on Mr MacSharry , despite the current protest storm over the CAP cuts .
27 ‘ CAN YOU do an exploding monster drawing for the letters page ? ’ enquired the then art editor over the ‘ phone .
28 Apparently at this time Kington was also a popular starting point for tourists to Aberystwyth , with a daily stage coach for the sixty mile journey over the mountains .
29 The increase in the elderly dependency ratio over the same period was from 23.2 to 25.5 ; a rate of increase considerably less than that likely to be experienced by many other developed countries .
30 Fold the excess lining pastry over the lid and press to seal the two layers of pastry together .
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