Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 The heterostracans were associated with the hagfishes , chiefly because they lacked the specializations of the nasohypophysial opening and because they have a single branchial opening ( see below ) .
2 Inner-city riots , the politics of nationalism , peace protests , community action , and the emergence of single-issue movements around the felt concerns of blacks , women , the youthful , and the disenchanted , may not prove to be permanent features on the political scene but whilst they are around they are likely to defy easy incorporation into the snugness of the state .
3 Unless an appeal committee comes to the conclusion that compliance with the parents ' preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources , the local education authority remains under a duty to comply with the expressed preference and if they fail to do so they are in breach of duty .
4 ‘ We have to be sure that they have the right product and that they will be able to sell it .
5 Given that the private sector median allowance is £1,500 extra in inner London and £1,000 extra in outer London , will the Government ensure that their public sector pay policy follows the private sector and that they compensate people who work in London for the substantial additional cost of living in London ?
6 He did not say whether they had been involved in any of the English advice or whether they were advising on the valuations as going concerns as bus stations or advising on the development values .
7 The European Court also decided in favour of two Spanish and British foreign language tutors at the University of Venice , who had been denied contracts of indefinite duration on the grounds that the posts were in the public service and that they were not Italians .
8 L. B. Clarence , a Supreme Court judge , felt that juries often reached the wrong verdict and that they were inappropriate for Sri Lanka .
9 Perhaps it 's surprising that in some cases the learning outcomes and performance criteria were not being assessed or applied — all the National Certificate publications stress that these features are at the heart of the competence-based system and that they can not be varied under any circumstances .
10 All the circumstances must be examined to see if the parties intended to leave over the entire agreement or whether they intended to make a binding contract , albeit one with some details still outstanding .
11 He began making calculations as to the strength and the direction of the tide , and faced the stark reality that if they were unable to recover him , he would be carried eastward , past the entrance to the Fowey river , for another four hours or more .
12 One might well say that the Nuer sound as though they came straight out of the Bible — the Old Testament rather than the New .
13 They can not afford the extra rent and if they are driven away they will starve .
14 The men went into the little cabin and when they had eaten they thanked Babushka and went off to sleep .
15 For instance , we can easily miss the point made by our Lord when he set a child in the midst of the crowd and declared to the surrounding throng that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they would have to become as a little child ( Matt.
16 There is also the unwelcome possibility that as they become mobile they move into sections of the system which you were entitled to think you had already cleared .
17 They were con-men who work the black market and although they spent the whole of the next day in Irkutsk taking me to lunch , visiting a host of Siberian churches and museums and organising a trip to the opera , their interest was in valutta — hard currency — not culture .
18 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
19 The question is whether the eleven member states could amend the existing legislation or whether they would have to adopt a parallel , but separate , legislation .
20 For on the tenth day he sent forward another deputation under the flag of truce to declare that he knew well of the shortages in the beleaguered town and that they would soon be in desperate straits .
21 The final stage of class consciousness and class solidarity is reached when members realize that only by collective action can they overthrow the ruling class and when they take positive steps to do so .
22 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
23 So good luck to the firm determined to revive the Pakamac raincoat and if they do we 'll eat our grey plastic button-down hood .
24 The tired rabbits fed and basked in the sunny meadow as though they had come no further than from the bank at the edge of the near-by copse .
25 I thought we edged the first half and although they edged the second , we had the better chances . ’
26 Similarly I look at English and ask whether staff and students locate their discipline within the Leavisite paradigm or whether they are aware of the developments of the past thirty years , such as structuralism and post-structuralism .
27 Does he accept that the Government are reducing to fewer than 300 ships the number of vessels that now sail under the red ensign and that they have treated with utter contempt the red ensign , which has served this country well in times of peace and war ?
28 Rather apprehensively I let the other girls use it , on the strict understanding that when they had finished with it they unplugged it and stowed it away somewhere out of sight of our two gauleiters , hopefully after it had cooled down a bit .
29 Whilst this is a fast and relatively painless process , the files will require handling in exactly the same way as if they had been transferred across a simple serial link .
30 the same way as when they dribble and they 're , maybe a little bit sick , their clothing gets damp , it acts as a conductor of warmth so it will cool them and it will make them sore as well , so keep the baby dry as possible .
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