Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 On another matter , I received from Wyre Borough Council details of the funding scheme for projects under the Rural Development Programme and I enclose a copy in case the PCC have any ideas which they might like to put forward .
2 I said I 'll leave mine out for the bloody bin men before I take it down the tippy .
3 Bruce has got the right track record and I feel confident he will get results . ’
4 ‘ It is not every week a side gets to meet the reigning world champions and I would have thought Andy Roxburgh would have got more support from his clubs .
5 Er we are confirmed in our reservations about this by the results of the regional census study as I noted in my brief commentary N Y three .
6 Perhaps my hon. Friend does not know that the Government have just announced that they intend to nationalise the private enterprise operation that I am running , which entails my sending those replies to all Opposition Members — as I have been doing for the past three months — and , this month , to Conservative Members , following an offer made to their Whips some time ago .
7 So I 'm not therefore an expert on the issues that are raised by the private care question and I hope you 'll be appropriately kind when it comes to the questioning .
8 If the tax Madam speaker , is as obnoxious as the right honourable gentleman claims , then why did the Labour conference vote and I quote , For a general shift in taxation towards energy resource use ?
9 Erm , I do n't like long titles , and er , and erm , and I am wary also of the public protection words because I think they do infer , as , as was stated quite clearly at personnel , they do infer that the Chief Fire Officer 's somewhere in there as well , and he is n't .
10 When I visited Aunt Louise there was just time for us to have a meal in one of the High Street cafés before I caught the bus home .
11 It is now getting dark as we settle for the night in the German slit trenches and I share a trench with three French Commandos .
12 The quality plan , erm a lot of ticks , but no names , apart from the detailed design drawings and I , we thought that the quality plan , the idea was to pin somebody down to being responsible for each actual item erm .
13 So you 've got quite a lot of time Now , there 's some spare ones of these on the front as well When you get this scr scrub out item number eleven which is on the back because these are the notes that w went out for the social psychology exam And I would be you 'd be in a little bit of trouble if you revised wh influences of text ha b li had literature had on our lives , discuss three books , cos it ai n't gon na be on this paper
14 But this does not go far enough for us and er shortly we will be moving another amendment which will take the council 's budget down to the standard spending assessment and I will speak to that er when I come to move that amendment .
15 Colleagues from neighbouring authorities have drawn attention to the various anomalies in the standard spending assessments and I shall not repeat them .
16 It spills over , it goes into er the civil service unions that I addressed in Parliament this week .
17 The man walking towards England , towards our curious eyes , and towards the warm winter overcoat that I held in my hands , was not Flaubert the writer , though he had a similar grey moustache , two double chins , and not much hair .
18 It was the second time Vonetta and I had met ; both times she struck me as an extremely self-possessed young woman with a lot of presence .
19 Ideology and all , can I cripple my five-year-old 's creativity at the appalling government school because I opted to work in a backward area ?
20 We gave close consideration to the appropriate discount level and I am sure that my hon. Friend will agree that there is a certain symmetry and element of justice readily apparent in the concept of a 25 per cent .
21 With less than two hours to go , I had yet to design the perfect slime beast and I was beginning to have panic attacks .
22 ‘ Rodney Martin beat him in the 1991 World Championship and I 've beaten Martin , so anything is possible , ’ he said .
23 I do not remember whether we enlivened the day with a penny ride on a donkey round the White Stone pond but I regarded these donkeys with the respect and admiration rarely afforded by the keenest jockey for his mount and one of my day-dreams ( only once realised and then somehow a little disappointing ) was to save up three weeks ' pocket money and have a 3d ride in place of a Id one , which took you for at least a hundred yards along the Spaniards Road .
24 The little sitting room but I ca n't stand that !
25 Whereas Russia is erm , is to do with the Cold War situation but I take Michael 's point that fascism and communism are not the same thing and to say that he has fascist ideas does not necessarily mean that he therefore represents Russia in this political equation
26 We are aware of the concern over undermining the basic generalist qualification and I would stress that there is no question of imposing the need to specialise on members . ’
27 In the past week I have seen an exhibition of photographs by Lewis Morley — billed as ‘ Photographer of the Sixties ’ — at the National Portrait Gallery and I have reviewed elsewhere Paparazzo ! , a collection of pavement snaps , taken during the Thatcher years , more or less , by someone called Richard Young .
28 Well , bang goes your commission from the National Portrait Gallery when I 'm famous . "
29 I DISCOVERED OIL pastels one Christmas when kindly relation bought me a large box after hearing that I painted in pastels ; not realising that it was the soft chalk variety that I used .
30 Well I suppose erm well I I I I mean I remember er ludicrous really , sort of thinking of what I would say at the Tory party conference while I was lying in that hospital in Venice .
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