Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] is that a " in BNC.

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1 The normal expectation is that a Request for Exclusive Acquisition Advice will result in a fee-paying engagement for the participating member 's firm .
2 The preferable proposal is that a sergeant is redeployed from from another town in and er I wo n't mention where I have my beady eye
3 But the lesson from the Iraqi experience is that a regime that behaves badly to its own people is likely to behave badly to its neighbours too .
4 ‘ The only true part of the old story is that a meteorite hit that hill way back in the late nineteenth century and dug a damn big crater there . ’
5 The principal disadvantage is that a limited company invariably incurs some additional costs .
6 It is doubtful if the corridors of Whitehall and the British civil service will quite match this record , but the simple point is that a host of records of potential interest to the historian that would have manifested themselves on paper will no longer do so .
7 The imperial ruling is that a trust in favour of her brother ( as intestate heir ) must be construed .
8 However , some breeding takes place in thermal reactors , so the actual gain is that a fast reactor can generate about sixty times as much electricity as a thermal reactor from each tonne of uranium .
9 The central problem is that a political party is ill-equipped to debate policy or philosophy because unity , not intellectual openness , is its highest virtue .
10 They 're reduced to five thousand with short commons and sickness , and the extra irony is that a cargo ship diverted from Chios got in just before the port closed .
11 The second qualification is that an innocent party who accepts an anticipatory breach becomes under a duty to mitigate ( minimise ) his loss .
12 The second possibility is that a bank could rearrange its assets by selling securities .
13 The second problem is that a lax competition policy might be used by a member state as a substitute for trade policy or industrial policy , to protect domestic producers or to promote export sectors .
14 The second thing is that a child 's fear of failure is probably greater than you think .
15 The second point is that a small energy input into the thermostat can release a large quantity of energy from the boiler .
16 The second reason is that a company 's auditors are expected , because of their statutory duties and position under the Companies Acts , to be independent of the shareholders in the company .
17 The second reason is that an appeal triggers a reconsideration of the case by an adjudication officer , who may revise the decision in the claimant 's favour forthwith .
18 While only Superman or Wonderwoman could have detected the gap between crease and outstretched bat as the bails were dislodged , the all-important fact is that a million or two television viewers on that Australia Day were shown the truth on the slow-motion replay .
19 The crucial difference is that a trust could be set up with a non-heir as trustee , whereas legacies remained always bound to the need for an heir to discharge them .
20 The reward for the hard work is that a much better system of advanced courses is now in place , giving better service to employers and providing candidates with many more opportunities , with greater flexibility and with greatly improved progression routes from National Certificate Modules all the way through to degrees .
21 The inevitable result is that a family 's capital base will be both eroded and diffused to the point where maintaining a large house becomes impossible .
22 The inevitable result is that a plant young in years becomes old and senile in form and shape .
23 The basic concept is that a target for a work element is set in man hours and at the end of each week the difference between the target hours , and actual hours worked is paid as a bonus to the operative .
24 The basic idea is that a few parameters are turned into a smooth curve by a standardised computation .
25 Then , the basic result is that a new solution of the source-free equations , depending on an arbitrary real parameter x , is given by ( 12.23 ) where ( 12.24 ) It can be seen that f and g are respectively the norm and twist potential of the Killing field .
26 In this the basic assumption is that a particular change is but one part of a dynamic , continuous process in which the users are engaged .
27 The unfortunate thing is that a good part of it came from an unexpected direction .
28 The neo-classical view is that a perfectly competitive economy always tends towards its full employment equilibrium position .
29 In the end the government was forced to make a minor concession , and the present position is that a second ballot will be held if fewer than 50 per cent of those eligible record a vote on the first occasion .
30 The key recommendation is that a workforce should be recruited and trained to bring five million energy-inefficient homes to current building standards at a cost of £2–3,000 each or a total of £40–45 billion .
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