Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [noun prp] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The mass of promenaders bulged along in the committee 's wake , creating some difficulty as they turned into the narrow High Street and into Albion Street .
2 A replacement is still needed for the transfer-listed David Norris and for Shane Parker , who will be out of action until June with a foot injury .
3 He was among the first to offer his warmest congratulations to the victorious Mr Clinton and since then the two leaders have spoken a number of times by telephone .
4 Technology made possible the opening of geographically remote or inaccessible areas to export production , most notably the plains of the central United States and of south-eastern Russia .
5 In particular , the silver picture plates of the Late Antique , examples of which have been collected together and published by the late Professor Toynbee and by Kenneth Painter .
6 In doing so I should like to express my gratitude to the late Herman Dooyeweerd and to Irving Kristol both of whom have influenced my thinking .
7 The presidency and vice-presidency had been vacant since the assassination in May 1989 of the charismatic Jean-Marie Tjibaou and of Yeiwéné Yeiwéné by a member of the extreme left-wing United Front for Kanak Liberation ( Front uni de libération kanake — FULK ) , whose expulsion from the FLNKS was confirmed in January 1990 .
8 As it stands in Fredegar , the story is part of a complex literary construction which includes parallel tales of friendship and marriage relating to the Ostrogothic king Theodoric and to the emperor Justinian , as well as to Childeric .
9 On each side of the double flight of steps on the front elevation of the Villa , a statue was erected ; on the one side Palladio and on the other , Inigo Jones ; they are there lo this day .
10 Elections were held on Feb. 19 in Punjab for 13 seats in the Indian Lok Sabha and for the 117-seat state Assembly , last elected in 1985 .
11 The Southern American city of Atlanta has been chosen as the venue for the 1996 centennial Olympic Games , the announcement in Tokyo has shattered the hopes of the sentimental contender Athens and of Manchester which spent £2 million campaigning to be the host .
12 They thrive in a wide variety of environments : semi-desert as in the western United States and in Australia ; steamy marshes such as the Camargue ; the high slopes of the Rocky Mountains ; and windswept islands such as Sable Island in Nova Scotia , and the Falklands , or more temperate ones , such as those off the Virginia coast .
13 Remaining sulphur dioxide problem locations are found near large industrial sources such as around non-ferrous smelters located outside urban areas in the intermontane region of the western United States and in Arizona .
14 He also thanked all employees for the tremendous efforts involved in building the new Johnson Matthey and on a day when South Africa was celebrating National Peace Day , he expressed hope that this may be a new beginning in a much broader sense .
15 There was no intention of converting Purley Depôt to a bus garage , as although of a more regular shape , its only entrance was on a busy part of the main Brighton Road and over the years there had been a number of near misses with other traffic , when trams were entering or leaving and the local press had conducted a campaign against its dangerous location .
16 Normally London left Stormont to get on with these policies , only intervening in 1969 at the time of the civil rights movement when there was a clear danger of a collapse of law and order due to disputes between Catholics and Protestants over local government , over the allocation of houses and of jobs and over the conduct of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and of the armed ‘ B ’ special reserves .
17 In 1982 , for example , among the chairmen of INI firms were 16 ex-ministers , 10 members of parliament and about 20 senior civil servants linked with the governing party UCD and with the Francoist regime ( El Socialista , 15–21 September 1982 ) .
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