Example sentences of "out of [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 HUGH Laurie and Stephen Fry return to the screen for another six one-hour episodes of Jeeves and Wooster , the continuing saga of the upper crust twerp and his trusty valet who gets him out of no end of trouble .
2 Well , as a very , very rough approximation , you ought to be able to get 3–4 pages of answer out of every page of case study text .
3 It was standing up at a crazy angle out of a mass of ferns .
4 But to make a trim and coherent job out of a mass of scribbles is , Dear Reader , nothing but a pipe dream .
5 When you think of the work that the old grocer used to have to do you know , make you a three corner bag out of a bit of paper , to put a pennyworth of pepper in .
6 The characters and their conjugal disjunction have indeed been generated out of a play of pronouns , out of ‘ words on a page ’ , for it is due to the lack they experience in each other that they are not able to constitute themselves through each other as subjects .
7 Out of a stand of pine a slim grey beast emerged .
8 miracle out of a mini-tin of storecupboard pomodoro and a lump of
9 When I came out of a nightmare of pain it was to a swirling world of night , and a storm .
10 In the room which focuses on sight , visitors see , hear and feel themselves being poured out of a can of draught Guinness , into a glass , down a mouth and through the human body .
11 If she left a dictionary in the cupboard , by heaven , she 'd get a good game of Scrabble out of a can of alphabet soup .
12 She raised £110 , out of a total of £1,800 , to help three homes for mentally and physically handicapped children .
13 The town planning movement emerged out of a consideration of housing , health and social betterment ; new forms of housing layout and design and planning of the wider environment were the new solutions .
14 I rambled aimlessly for about an hour , in and out of dirty narrow streets , their only saving grace being their brevity , in and out of a variety of shops , bought some oranges from the market stalls , the most interesting feature of the wretched place , then went in to see an ‘ explicit sex ’ film and was presented with a badly mutilated and heavily censored version of some third-rate continental film which I left within the first fifteen minutes .
15 My mind was the furthest away it could be to playing singles , so I pulled out of a couple of tournaments .
16 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
17 It was only as they drew nearer that he began to make out that it was the concrete skeleton of an unfinished three-storey duplex , its half-built walls , pillars and floors rising out of a sea of mud .
18 He shook himself out of a spiral of suspicion and isolation .
19 One was a very nice garment made out of a kind of silk which Mother and I bought from the secondhand clothes lady who ran a stall in Barnard Castle .
20 We believe this arises out of a lack of knowledge of the nature of BSL , together with the factors described as social and psychological distance which , when producing significant effects , predict the creation of some pidgin form .
21 need drawers as well , dr drawers out of a chest of drawers make
22 Slowly but surely the mass of bodies was yielding … soon it would be forced out into the drawing-room like the cork out of a bottle of champagne .
23 He opened a small cupboard in an old sideboard and took out of a bottle of Gordon 's gin .
24 The second sense emerges as we follow his explanation of how the civil state would come into being out of a state of nature , by the making of contracts .
25 Erm there is a further implication in this conception , and again I quote whosoever therefore out of a state of nature unite into a community must be understood to give up all the power necessary to the ends for which they unite into a society to the majority of the community unless they expressly agreed in any number greater than the majority and this is done where are we by barely agreeing to unite into one political society which is all the compact that is or needs to be between the individuals that enter into or make up a commonwealth .
26 Another American artist , Rona Pondick , creates disturbing assemblages out of a mixture of materials ( for instance : a wooden beam , a row of white shoes and a cushion , all held together by frayed nylon cords , the ends of which spill onto the floor like white seaweed ) .
27 The victory on paid holidays was achieved out of a mixture of motives , an amalgam of control and progressive reform .
28 People in her study , she argues , supported their kin out of a mixture of duty and genuine affection , plus feelings of pride , especially a desire to keep a member of one 's own family out of the workhouse ( Roberts , 1984 , pp. 170–2 ) .
29 Baker grew out of a mixture of punk and funk , but did n't kiss the ass of either in print .
30 The reality is that the present intelligent and moderate leaderships of the unions pay up money out of a mixture of sentiment , good will and habit .
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