Example sentences of "out [prep] here [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Either he walked out of here with a deal for Simon Cormack , or he would need a police escort anyway .
2 ‘ If you stay here she 'll probably call for a dozen more rehearsals of that damn kiss — so why do n't we cut out of here for a while and go for a coffee ?
3 ‘ You 'll have to be inside the spell and out of here into the Time Chariot so fast you could n't say ‘ caterpillar 's boots ’ , always supposing you wanted to say such a ridiculous thing , which I do n't suppose you do .
4 Do n't worry , I 'll have you out of here in no time . ’
5 walked out of here in a huff
6 ‘ I 'm going to bed , and if you want me out of here in the morning you 're going to have to throw me out , bodily , just as I am .
7 ‘ As soon as you 've gone , she 'll be out of here like a flash .
8 ‘ Well , we 've got people coming in and out of here like a train station .
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