Example sentences of "out [prep] [noun] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The brunt of the assault was directed at the USA , but also singled out for criticism were the European Communities ( EC ) , Australia , Canada , Hong Kong , Indonesia , South Korea , Singapore and Thailand .
2 Most prominent among the effects singled out for blame is the hostile takeover , both in America and in Britain .
3 Blaming others or opting out of responsibility is a reliable sign that Ego is in control .
4 They predict a continuing rise in demand but argue that work out of hours is an essential part of a general practitioner 's role .
5 A lift which is out of order is a frequent and frustrating sight .
6 Tories producing rabbits out of hats is the big bad headline , was n't it .
7 Wickenden , as purchasing director , is naturally reticent about details , but he led me to believe that smuggling nuts out of Turkey was an important activity , and that everyone except presumably the government , was satisfied with this arrangement .
8 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
9 Walking around Urbino 's quiet streets on a wet Sunday out of season was an evocative and fascinating experience , even though the churches and palace had closed early in the morning .
10 A baby born out of wedlock was a great sin , then , and a huge embarrassment to the family .
11 Out of doors is the best place for Brownies , really , but we 've only been able to be out of doors so much because of this hot summer .
12 Shallow tunnels running from setts out into fields are a frequent cause of concern , says the book , and are best dealt with by breaking in the roof of the tunnels and filling in the trench created .
13 The only object really worth seeking out with binoculars is the very red variable TX or 19 Piscium , which fluctuates irregularly between magnitudes 4.3 and 5.1 ; it has an N-type spectrum .
14 Three miles out from Scheffau is the beautiful Hintersteinersee lake , where you can swim , picnic or just enjoy the scenery .
15 Also in the works and due out in June are the LS-Series EOS SuperSparc workstations .
16 They 'll give lots of pleasure indoors for a week or two , and can then be left to their own devices outdoors for the rest of the year ; getting dried out in summer is a positive help .
17 This is because eating out in Hungary is a real pleasure , with an excellent and internationally recognised cuisine and , for holders of western currency , it is all remarkably inexpensive , particularly in the country areas .
18 So I 'm always reaching down to people , and I do n't mean down as being inferior , reaching out to people is a better phrase , and I , I never give up about people wanting to partake .
19 Running out at Twickenham was a refreshing change ’ .
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