Example sentences of "out [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Vicky pointed out that we had deposited our own jewellery in the safe in our room and that other guests had probably done the same .
2 We had never consciously allocated days to each other ; it had just turned out that we had grabbed them and put our stamp on them .
3 The village youths had taken to roaring round and round of an evening on highly powered Japanese motorcycles from which the silencers had been removed ; those distressed by this were invoking the law , the youths laughed , their friends and relations pointed out that they 'd paid their road-tax , had n't they , like anyone else ?
4 It turned out that he had locked himself out of his room which was likely to be embarrassing as I , for one , was not about to go down to reception for a key for him .
5 And they would never , never find out that he had done it .
6 He 'd sounded regretful but pointed out that he had committed himself and felt it would be ill-mannered to tell his hostess he had now made other arrangements .
7 Even when , halfway through the morning he broke out with , ‘ Well , there 's no need for you to keep on and on about the table , ’ I did not point out that I had said nothing , that it was he who was ‘ going on and on about it ’ inside himself .
8 One girl shouted out to me as I was bundled out that she had lost her camera and money .
9 After 2 weeks , she reported back there had n't been any improvement but it turned out that she had bought herself some Arg Nit tablets as she did n't like the taste of the alcoholic water the LM was made up in !
10 Having slept better that night , Fabia awakened on Tuesday and thought of Ven , thought of Cara and of Barney , and would dearly have liked to telephone her parents to find out if they had heard anything from her sister .
11 It had come out and I 'd said it 's what I felt at the minute .
12 I go past this bloke selling papers and he shouts summat out and I got to stick my fingers in my ears , it 's so loud .
13 The South African war had just broken out and I had received my embarkation orders .
14 I asked somebody the way out and she offered to show me .
15 The food dribbled out and she had to scoop it off his chin and shove it back in .
16 She got her bag out and she said give me my bag .
17 When he opened it moths flew out and he had to give it a good clean to get rid of the cobwebs and years of dust that had settled inside .
18 When his caddie had fished the ball out and he had dropped it behind the stream he was facing his fifth shot .
19 He would not let out until he had pulverised his ‘ cell-mate ’ and fed it down a chute into a wheelbarrow outside . ’
20 Tina looked up quickly , almost furtively , and he could n't make out whether she had heard him coming or not .
21 Recent research has shown that well-informed mothers who have been able to take responsibility for decisions in pregnancy and labour feel happier after the event , even when their plans did n't work out as they had expected them to .
22 At the last minute Reg Seekings had to drop out as he had injured his hand when a detonator exploded prematurely .
23 Would such a person , watching Peter now , reading the prayers of Rite B in his level , pleasant voice , notice that resentment lay , like his blood , just under his skin , because the life he had chosen had not turned out as he had expected it to ?
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