Example sentences of "out [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 The T9000 memory is laid out as a dual-ported memory and is therefore accessible for measurements by the T805 .
2 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
3 Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper and she had to clear her throat .
4 His wet , cold body was aching and calling out for a hot meal and warm bed .
5 She listened sympathetically , murmured the right endearments and then said , ‘ The only thing to do now is to get up , have a shower , go out for a brisk walk and come back and have a nice soothing gin and tonic . ’
6 with , with my granddaughter , she , she did the same s she used to go and babysit at this girl 's house and she fe felt , she was only fourteen , and she felt sorry for her and she 'd go and babysit every night she 'd go and babysit and er but she used to b sit up in the bedroom , she never ever went down the sitting room thinking that the child 's mother was either down in the sitting room or just going out for a short while and coming back and then eventually they put erm a bed up in the child 's bedroom for Denise to stay there over nights and Pearl did n't worry at all , well she knew , knew where , at least she knew where and er this girl was bringing men back down in the sitting room every night , three or four , sometimes ten men in a night during the night !
7 It was 1.30 that Sunday night , I 'd just gone to bed feeling rather worn out after a busy week and sociable weekend .
8 ‘ That 's the thanks I get for takin' ye out of a bloody hovel and givin' ye a proper place to live .
9 You can come out of a nice pub and go into another bad 'un .
10 When the human voyager has freed himself from his fears and accomplished all his physiological needs , it is as if he has climbed out of a deep pit and reached the top of a high hill from where he sees a vast land stretching in every direction .
11 It was a feeling that I never had until that nice little man with a funny hat and a big gun got out of a strange aeroplane and asked me : " Do you speak English ? "
12 ‘ Walked out of a Dutch hospital and escaped to Lisbon .
13 The weight of the Zodiac plucked him out of the cockpit like a pip out of a ripe olive and he screamed with the terror of drowning as he struck the water .
14 Make the costume out of a black jumper and skirt , or trousers .
15 He streaked out of a thin patch and saw the aircraft bigger now and shinier , curling around in a wide arc to start landing .
16 A coroner has called for tighter security at a psychiatric hospital , after a patient walked out of a locked ward and was killed by a train on nearby railway tracks .
17 ‘ They are let out of a greyhound-style trap and can cover more than 100 metres in a matter of seconds when they get a whiff of food , ’ says Michael , 52 .
18 Even its provenance had been established : a whole heap of such material — mostly in longer pieces — had been ripped out of a nearby house and lay , awaiting removal .
19 As I waited , Ryan came out of a near-by block and called to me :
20 At the age of 47 , Robert De Niro is coming out of a creative crisis and entering a new phase as a movie mogul .
21 Steven mentioned the constraints that the E M U may impose on the economy , but the biggest single issue is the scandalous position in which this government has placed British workers by opting out of a Social Chapter and thus denying the right and protection at work which are granted , taken for granted as minimum basic conditions in all other member states .
22 It 's er the , the apostle 's creed ha has erm er er is erm out of a different background and
23 It 's er the , the apostle 's creed ha has erm er er er is erm out of a different background and that er compiled in a different context altogether , it 's polemic law so often , this is doxological .
24 Hollywood had always been able to recruit actors who could authentically depict urban working men and by the end of the silent era Bickford and Beery had almost achieved perfection in suggesting that kind of independence that grew out of a tough upbringing and an even tougher manhood .
25 Not only was it light , warm and washable , it also made grown men , previously never out of a brown jumper and khaki woollen breeches , dress for the hills in something pink and fluffy .
26 Becky Blandford is now out of a 4-day coma and able to talk to staff , according to officals at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford .
27 At Camberwell Bobby Hunt formed the Bob Hunt 's Ragtime Band ( Bobby on trumpet , Oska on trombone , Monty Sunshine on clarinet , Terry Arthurs on piano and Denis ( ‘ Pip ’ ) Piper on a one-string bass made out of a wooden box and a broomhandle ) and which rehearsed at lunchtime in the pottery room , Minton helping some of its members to buy their instruments .
28 He ducked out of a back door and Emily heard the sound of his boots ringing on the cobbles .
29 The staff were also worried about his speech , not seeming to take into account the fact that this was the first time he had come out of a Punjabi-speaking environment and was having to cope with new experiences in a foreign language .
30 Our music has the same origin and function as any work song — it arises spontaneously out of a particular movement and is then used to lead , inspire and increase the rhythmical flow so that the movement is performed with minimum effort and maximum pleasure .
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