Example sentences of "out [prep] the [noun] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I only found out about the Japanese this morning .
2 Other players who have turned out for the Nomads this season include the likes of Peter Dixon and Brian and Harry Patrick .
3 Waves burst over the cockpit into the saloon only to pour out through the manhole each time the bridge-deck broke free for a moment .
4 Forget to get that out of the boot this morning .
5 JOCKEY Jeff Lloyd gets kicked out of the saddle this week-end — but it 's all in the rules of the game .
6 These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews .
7 ‘ Ours was the kind of business where the major assets walked out of the door each evening and went home .
8 The NCC also points out that large quantities of water ( estimated at 15 to 25 per cent of the total ) leak out of the system each year .
9 From the foam on it I guessed it was the first out of the keg that evening .
10 Cadfael knew of none besides Tutilo who had been out of the enclave that night , but a man intending such a deed would hardly publish his intent or let anyone know of his absence .
11 And as all men know , he was out of the enclave that night , with leave , though leave he got by deceit .
12 One by one , he cut deep wedges out of the trunks each side of the track , watching as the wind snapped them over .
13 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
14 Would n't say a lot for it , but I do n't think ten pence out of the way any way .
15 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
16 No-one except those who are wilfully blind to the nature of our proceedings can possibly spell out of the Bill any condonation whatever of homosexual conduct which can affect young people in their formative years .
17 The former Benson gate guard Spitfire PR.XIX PM651 will return to St Athan and be placed in storage along with the remaining Spitfires that were brought in out of the cold some time ago .
18 Dan did you know that he pissed out of the window this morning ?
19 However , printed opaques are still walking out of the shops this Christmas . ’
20 No member of the committee , his representative or associate of them nor any person who was a member of the committee in the last twelve months must enter into any transaction whereby he receives out of the estate any payment for services given or goods supplied in connection with the administration or obtains any profit from the administration or acquires any asset forming part of the estate ( r 6.165(2) ) except with leave of the court , with prior sanction of the committee where full value for the transaction is given and in cases of urgency or by way of performance of a contract in existence at the date of the bankruptcy order where leave of the court is sought subsequently without delay ( r 6.165(3) ) .
21 If , for some specific action X ( e.g. jumping an age queue ) , animals ( i ) did not do X , ( ii ) drove out of the group any animal that did X , and ( iii ) drove out any animal that did not join in driving out an X-doer , then the behaviour would be evolutionarily stable .
22 It was really no surprise that Brian was taken out of the room that afternoon .
23 Erm , what 's the current , it 's a bit d , difficult terminology here , what 's the current cost taken out of the fund each month for expenses ?
24 You 'll have heard we fished a young fellow out of the Comer this morning ? ’
25 It 's not as if people are popping in and out of the house all day . ’
26 It was all out of the hole-in-the-wall this evening .
27 And although it is almost certain death to look on them , Fergus , I stole out of the Palace that night , and I saw the green and blue smoke that indicates their presence , and I saw , just for a moment , the Elven King , Aillen mac Midha , seated cross-legged on the ground .
28 He would draw the money out of the bank this time .
29 Then , as though to celebrate the passing of the downpour , a flame reached out into the sky some distance to their left .
30 Q Should I take any special precautions before allowing my guinea pig out onto the lawn this summer ?
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