Example sentences of "one [adj] [noun sg] is [that] the " in BNC.

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1 One possible interpretation is that the nucleation time can be prolonged under two different circumstances : ( 1 ) When most of the cholesterol is in the more stable carrier(s) ( the non vesicular ) ; ( 2 ) When the metastable carrier is stabilised by a more rigid membrane ( disaturated phosphatidylcholine ) as well as a lower cholesterol/ phospholipids ratio ( which always occurs when most of the lipid is found in the vesicles ) .
2 Kellner says one possible explanation is that the 20 per cent of the electorate who refused to respond to the exit polls were disproportionately Tory , or that some voters lied , or both .
3 One possible explanation is that the increased immunoreactive gastrin circulating in patients with H pylori infection is of reduced biological activity or indeed not biologically active at all .
4 One possible answer is that the family relatives of the eaten butterfly may benefit from its death .
5 One strange thing is that the buzz is worse when the volume pot is turned half-way on and gets less noisy when full up , but even then it 's still noisier than my brother 's Squier which cost less than the pickups on my guitar !
6 One typical outcome is that the reference strip ( which is what is used for the diagnostic ) is seen as too big due to spreading and then overflows its allotted area .
7 One dubious consequence is that the short-term memory , of limited capacity compared with the virtually infinite capacity of long-term memory , is conceived as the internal stage on which exhibits from the store are manipulated .
8 One additional problem is that the voltage.controlled oscillator is unable to provide the pause between step commands needed at the beginning of the deceleration period so that the rotor can advance beyond the excited phase equilibrium position ; the control of individual phase excitation timings available with the other open-loop schemes can not be produced with the voltage-controlled oscillator technique .
9 And do galaxies with unusually compact companions show any sign of past quasar activity ? one intriguing clue is that the nearest compact galaxy we know happens to be a companion to the giant radio galaxy M87 — and its orbit must have taken it to within 6000 light years of M87 only 100 million years ago .
10 One intriguing possibility is that the proteins encoded by MCC and APC interact to form a biologically active complex .
11 One widespread assumption is that the documents shown to the Irish News were probably genuine , but this does not necessarily indicate an organisation is in operation .
12 One obvious snag is that the insistence on international collaboration , whatever cultural value it may have , is inconsistent with the Single Market ( ostensibly a reality since the beginning of this year ) .
13 One curious conclusion is that the dinosaurs had to die to make way for humans : this is the starkest meaning of the Anthropic Principle .
14 One experimental difficulty is that the solar corona has a finite refractive index ( varying as 1/ ( frequency ) 2 ) and the effect of the corona is to increase the delay .
15 One important factor is that the villagers have something to read and a reason to read it .
16 In such conditions , one important prediction is that the weakening of norm-enforcement mechanisms will bring about a reduction in the everyday functional value of the use of in-group linguistic variants .
17 One important reason is that the number of possible distinct uses of topless seems to be , in principle , open ; so any attempt to draw up a determinate closed list would be of questionable validity .
18 One fundamental assumption is that the atmosphere has had the same 14 C concentration in the past as now , and this in turn assumes , amongst other things , that the production rate of 14 C has remained constant .
19 One immediate difficulty is that the weight attached to it by different historians has varied enormously .
20 One small concern is that the planned facility for Norden , west of Corfe Castle will have parking spaces for only 150 cars .
21 One small criticism is that the index could have been more comprehensive .
22 One small gripe is that the manuals have not been rewritten since the advent of version 4 .
23 One common feature is that the vowels in question are more like or when they precede another vowel , less so when they precede a consonant or pause .
24 North told him not to be downhearted , ‘ that the one bright spot is that the government is availing itself of part of the money for application to Central America . ’
25 One preliminary matter is that the 1977 Act does not deal with liability under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 ( explained at paragraphs 9–06 to 9–14 and 9–19 above ) .
26 According to Rhodes ( 1988 , p. 130 ) one main reason is that the Thatcher government has developed quangos as a convenient vehicle for bypassing what it perceived ( particularly in urban areas ) as a hostile and recalcitrant local government system .
27 Only one significant point is that the County Council 's workforce that has more than twenty per cent of staff over fifty years of age , which is quite unusual compared to other local authorities , and it has quite serious implications for the pension fund ,
28 One minor criticism is that the recording level can be effected by the master volume controls on the Carvin .
29 One minor change is that the crime of assault with intent to rob , at present found in s.8 , is transferred out of the part of the draft Code dealing with property offences to the part dealing with offences against the person ( cl. 78 ) .
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