Example sentences of "one [prep] [art] [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is known that such patients may have one of a variety of conditions such as arteriovenous malformations in the small intestine or colon ( including angiodysplasia and telangiectasia ) , Meckel 's diverticulum , Crohn 's disease , and small bowel smooth muscle tumours .
2 Australian Rolf , 62 , is one of a variety of artists who performed the classic for a fun CD .
3 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
4 In their later writings they had been forced to acknowledge , in the light of much critical evidence , that their biologically determined criminal was only one of a variety of types : their theory had become eclectic and multi-factorial .
5 The depreciation allocation to each year may be made on the basis of time or service using one of a variety of methods ( for example , straight line , units of production , sum of the years ' digits , reducing balance ) which are described in most standard accounting texts .
6 This will probably be followed by indirect social work involving social care planning , and direct social work with the client and one or more of the family members , in one of a variety of ways .
7 Back in 1980 , however , they were just one of a generation of bands ( Bunnymen , Teardrops , Joy Division/New Order ) attempting to forge a new kind of rock music in the wake of the punk revolution .
8 The state and defence departments said airdrops were one of a range of options being studied by a task force of US government officials .
9 Implicit in these views was the fact that child abuse was considered to be only one of a range of problems that many families who come under the system 's microscope were experiencing , and that there was a need to respond to all the problems including child abuse , rather than of necessity giving it priority .
10 Correct or not , this hypothesis does at least hint at the complexities which could have been involved when Æthelred 's counsellors sat down to decide whether to pay or fight , and offers one of a range of reasons why individual self-interest may have resulted in less fighting than might have been expected .
11 The sunken garden is just one of a range of projects being undertaken by 60 students and seven college staff in order to forge stronger links between the college and the community .
12 The schedule for energy and energy resources was one of a range of expansions .
13 The traditional approach to statistical analysis is to use one of a range of tools to test for ‘ significance ’ as a means of indicating whether or not an explicitly formulated hypothesis can be upheld ; Fasold ( 1984 , chapter 4 ) discusses the application of this general method in sociolinguistics .
14 We should remember , too , that " emphasis " has an insidious tendency to become an all-purpose cause credited for a whole variety of syntactic and phonological variations where intuition suggests that there is a difference to be explained but where no other cause can immediately be brought to light ; all that is needed , apparently , is that a speaker ( or even a linguist ) should be able to imagine himself uttering one of a pair of variants with a certain emphasis on some occasion , while at the same time feeling that he could have said the other without any emphasis being implied .
15 In an attempt to retrieve it gracefully , I did a half turn ; the backs of my knees hit the arm of one of a pair of chairs and I toppled backwards over the chair and landed on my hat , wedged between the chairs with my legs in the air .
16 Socks , vests — I even lost one of a pair of boots , last month .
17 Occasionally one of a pair of chromosomes may be lost in transmission ; sometimes a chromosome may duplicate itself , so that there are 23 pairs + I. More exceptionally , even more complicated situations can arise .
18 Most importantly of all , one of a pair of cones erected at Catcliffe in 1740 still stands to its full height .
19 In a pair of experiments by Jaynes ( 1950 ) , rats were required in the first-stage task to lift one of a pair of flaps bearing distinctive cues in order to obtain food .
20 The test requires the child to select one of a pair of pictures to go with a stimulus sentence .
21 By whatever means it has been achieved , however , the end result is one of a system of streets that permits access to essential users whilst maintaining an atmosphere of serenity and charm .
22 Mr Major is only one of a majority of politicians who like it hot at the Kundan .
23 I often want to lookup a value in a form and then on the result run one of a selection of procedures .
24 When she saw Mike in the pit — Mike who had helped her dam the slurry lagoon four years before — attaching a cluster to one of a line of cows , when she slapped the flank of that cow , and shut her eyes to inhale the air loaded with the smell of blood-warm milk , udderwash and cow breath , she was utterly content in the conviction of her seamless permanence .
25 Throwing Muses are one of a handful of groups who write about adolescence as a period of maladjustment and withdrawal , who resist the now-pop version of youth as healthy , extrovert , unproblematic hedonism .
26 Coventry was chosen by Lord Reith as one of a handful of cities to be used as a prototype of large-scale urban planning .
27 The trustee was later one of a handful of shareholders to vote against the re-election of Sir John Hoskyns to the board .
28 He followed his first 69 with rounds of 67 , 69 and 71 to win the championship by three shots — one of a handful of players to open their tournament account with a win in the Majors .
29 A middle-aged man with corn-coloured hair and the bluest eyes Willie had ever seen was sitting on a stool milking one of a handful of cows .
30 He was one of a handful of men trusted to work unsupervised — a mistake say prison officers .
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