Example sentences of "one [noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As has been evident from the previous two matches , the European team will bring the stronger hitters in the match , being an average of nine yards a man longer off the tee and hitting one green in regulation more per round .
2 The form , in fact , was one beloved of prosecutors both on the screen and in literature .
3 Lying next to it is a Wand of Fear which extracts a special cost for use : if a spellcaster picks it up , it drains one point of T permanently from that spellcaster and is then attuned to him , and will function normally .
4 ‘ No , but this form of atropine is used by one group of people apart from chemists .
5 One minute of observation away from the Earth 's atmosphere revealed more than has ever been known before about that well-studied galaxy 's infrared emission .
6 A Wellcome spokesman said the Anglo-French Concorde trials show ‘ an encouragingly low incidence of adverse reactions associated with one gramme of Zidovudine daily for up to four years ’ .
7 Buy one pattern for £4.65 instead of the normal price of £7.65 ( a saving of 39 per cent ) .
8 In the case of Annbank-Mauchline , the reopening allowed an enhanced schedule of Knockshinnoch-Ayr coal trains to be covered by one pair of locomotives instead of two .
9 The peak figure of 160 thousand divorces in 1985 reflects further legislative change in 1984 ( the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act ) , which allowed couples to petition for divorce after one year of marriage instead of three .
10 Two guineas were paid for the use of the engine and hose , with payment of two shillings for the first hour and one shilling per hour afterwards for firemen , and one shilling for the first hour and six pence afterwards for pumpers .
11 Poor widows in Barking and Dagenham parishes in the Forest of Hainault had formerly been allowed one load of wood yearly from the ‘ King 's woods ’ : the disafforesting Act of 1851 provided that an equivalent sum should be invested in Consols , and the income applied to a distribution of coal at Christmas to the widows .
12 She had smoked one pack of cigarettes daily for six years and was taking no medication .
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