Example sentences of "who is [adj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In particular , ‘ Big Al ’ , one of Scotland 's all-time great jumpers , is surprised at the omission of Appleson in favour of the veteran Peter Dods , 34 , who is due to retire after the tour .
2 Tucker , who is due to retire in the autumn , said : ‘ I regard the honour as a tribute to the work of Navy News staff past and present , and I 'm particularly proud of the fact that ours has always been virtually an in-house production .
3 The plan meets the garrulous approval of the exiled monarch Wladislas , who calls himself ‘ a middle-class professional man ’ and who is relieved to escape from the rivalry of priests and nobles and the expense of entertaining courtiers of extravagant tastes who ‘ love dressing up in uniforms , putting on swords and attending state balls ’ and whose appetites are such that ‘ a bullock roasted whole and a couple of pigs go no distance at a supper table in Lystria ’ .
4 A landlord who is entitled to enter on the determination of a lease may , on re-entry , sue for any trespass since the lease determined .
5 But at least Lewis is a fighting man who is eager to climb over the top of the trenches and go into battle to earn his rights .
6 Duclos-Lasalle , 37 , who is likely to retire at the end of the season , converted two previous second places , a fourth and sixth , into victory when he arrived alone on the velodrome at Roubaix to one of the warmest welcomes in the long history of the race .
7 The justification for protection in these circumstances is that a businessman who is willing to deal on the other party 's standard terms and conditions is probably unable to negotiate a special deal due to an inequality of bargaining power .
8 I quoted examples showing that significant changes in organizations can be catalysed by the presence of even a single individual who is willing to engage with the problem deeply , persistently and openly .
9 The precise formula for working out who is eligible depends upon the legal entitlement in question .
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