Example sentences of "who would [adv] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Homelessness is often not thought to be a rural problem but there are some unemployed whose job searches in the city have failed and who would rather be unemployed in the countryside .
2 She could meet his parents , who would surely be kind to her in her loneliness .
3 People who would normally be entitled to small weekly amounts of disability working allowance or family credit if they took jobs , are to be paid instead with an advance of up to £104 to make benefits for those who get jobs appear more attractive .
4 But in visiting units who would shortly be involved in the repatriation of the Cossacks , and in discussions with Gen Keightley and his staff , we believe that McCreery would have been fully briefed on the plans for the Cossack repatriation operation which had been issued by 5 Corps to all divisional commands the previous day , 24 May [ KP 245 ] .
5 … the correct comparison is not with any man but with an hypothetical man who would also be unavailable at the critical time .
6 This will then leave all the other issues of the Exchequer Division to be dealt with , preferably in a third group , under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director , who would also be responsible for all Council Tax matters on behalf of the Depute Director as required .
7 Under his direction , the Ulster Constitution Defence Committee maintained its traditional line that O'Neill was not responding to the legitimate demands of a disadvantaged section of the population , but giving in to the demands of rebels who would never be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of Northern Ireland .
8 Q. If the cost of the work became so great , and there was not sufficient cash in the accounts to pay for it , who would then be responsible for the debt ?
9 Probably the ideal candidate for reading our book would be someone who would perhaps be involved in the manufacturer of erm products and , having recognised that washing machines are involved with microprocessors , are anxious to see if they can get any insight into the role that microprocessors can play
10 She made a stab at a brittle laugh , trying to fit herself to the image of one of his sophisticated London women — a Wanda or Melissa who would hardly be embarrassed by such an admission .
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