Example sentences of "who be [not/n't] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 In El Salvador , Guatemala and Honduras , education is simply not available to substantial portions of the population , particularly the rural poor and those who are not part of the majority Spanish-speaking culture .
2 To put this briefly , women who are not part of the tiny professional elite ( doctors , lawyers , executives ) , which is to say , all working-class and most middle-class women , need more education than men in the same position .
3 For an example of this , he refers us to a code of practice of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry , with which some firms who are not members of the association nevertheless voluntarily agree to comply .
4 What is more , the countries of Europe who are not members of the EEC have increased their trade at least as fast as have those of the Community , and there is no EEC country other than Luxembourg which has a per capita income higher than any ( except Austria ) of the Efta countries .
5 ( I speak of course of those who are not members of the British aristocracy .
6 The independent teams and Her Majesty 's inspectorate will contain some people who are not members of the teaching profession .
7 The adjustment provides a conservative basis for the calculation of direct employment since it is less than the 7.5% ‘ gap ’ noted above and makes no allowance for the 2% employed in Scotch Whisky companies who are not members of the SWA .
8 Elsewhere , the impact of religion is small , though those who are not members of the Church of england are less likely than others in their class to support the Conservatives .
9 It is a pity that a magazine , which is purchased by many who are not supporters of the English rugby team , must print articles that serve only to stir primitive xenophobic sentiments in the reader .
10 In agreement with the Court of Appeal , I do not consider that the order in this case leaves room for the extension to persons who are not parties of the doctrine expounded in Attorney-General v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [ 1992 ] 1 A.C. 191 .
11 A lease , because of the involvement of the landlord ( who is not or who at any rate in his capacity as landlord is not a member of the firm ) , needs not only an appropriate declaration that the named partners joined as lessees hold the term on trust but also : ( a ) a declaration that possession of the demised premises by partners who are not trustees of the lease shall not by itself constitute a breach of the usual covenants against parting with or sharing possession ; ( b ) a provision which dispenses with the landlord 's consent ( or makes it automatic ) to an assignment of the demised premises to partners other than the original lessees or to the vesting of the premises in new trustees for the firm .
12 The words in square brackets have now been repealed by the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 , removing the anomaly which prevented local authorities from taking legal action under this section , in respect of odours affecting employees and others who were not inhabitants of the neighbourhood , despite being of the opinion that the odour was sufficiently obnoxious to amount to a nuisance .
13 Meanwhile , members who were not part of the £116m Outhwaite out-of-court settlement have voted to press their claims for compensation through the 1992 Outhwaite Names Association .
14 The first quotation affirms the transcendence of God , who is not part of the world 's furniture , like an idol in a shrine .
15 This sometimes means eliminating most of the original actors , and stretching down the hierarchy or even outside to discover a new chief who was not part of the original team .
16 With his gruff , Cockney drawl and lack of pretentiousness , he was the first person he had met on the production side of TV London who was not part of the middle-class mafia , and who seemed relaxed and at ease with himself .
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