Example sentences of "who [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This includes people with hearing or visual defects who may not hear or see danger .
2 Some would take this view , arguing along the lines of the story of Christ healing the lepers , that some of God 's gifts are given free to men who may then go and abuse them .
3 The pupil 's classroom and working groups ( how an individual 's behaviour may have a function for the whole group who may then try and prevent him from changing it ; how groups may be handled so as not to ‘ need ’ one child 's particular behaviour and instead support his progress )
4 The decision was a crushing blow to the Aga , one of the sport 's most powerful owners , who must now consider whether to halt his costly campaign .
5 His line of chat , and a bonhomie which could at times border on insensitivity , marked him out for her as a survivor ; someone with whom she could risk herself ; someone who could both carry and withstand her .
6 Communal farming , however , was still important to those who could not acquire and enclose private farms .
7 Another working-class London mother took pity on an old couple who could not work and had no pension , and lodged them rent-free .
8 Among those who could not attend but said they agreed with the aims of the delegation were Owen Jones and Bellamy .
9 Amiss directed ferocious attention towards his tray , giving a spirited impression of a man who could n't eat and listen at the same time .
10 He was going to spend the show hissing and flinging himself across the scaffolding arch which ran up the sides and across the top of the stage , and from which monkeys dangled , taunting Baloo the bear , who could n't climb and groaned a lot .
11 I still sometimes think — ‘ I 'll ask Mum about that , ’ only to realize that she is dead and no one remains who could possibly know or take interest in such small family details .
12 The eccentric appearance he presented , together with his having forgotten his invitation card , resulted in his being refused entrance until somebody arrived who could satisfactorily identify and vouch for him .
13 There 's a lot of Americans this time round who 'd rather die than die for Europe .
14 The engineer with the irreverent sense of humour who would n't give houseroom to a defunct machine but who would carefully dismantle and put by any parts that might be of use later on would — this time next year — be helping to nourish the rose beds .
15 ‘ In the War — the first World War — the women used to give white feathers to the men who would n't go and fight .
16 She wept easily and often anyway : frequently dissolving in front of Alice , who would then coax or bully her into all sorts of concessions .
17 Yes , I mean we obviously feel that there are people who ca n't sit and listen or watch continually , and people who do dip in and out , but they still nonetheless want to know exactly what 's going on .
18 The latest from Aussie tats MR FLOPPY , whose single , ‘ 100,000 Morrisseys ’ has taken everyone by surprise ( not least the band who split up soon after its release ) , is that they 've decided to re-form The band , who described The Stone Roses as , ‘ A bunch of Pommie scum who ca n't play and flounce around in flares ’ , will celebrate with a new EP , tentatively entitled ‘ Tubular Bells ’ .
19 The latest from Aussie tats MR FLOPPY , whose single , ‘ 100,000 Morrisseys ’ has taken everyone by surprise ( not least the band who split up soon after its release ) , is that they 've decided to re-form The band , who described The Stone Roses as , ‘ A bunch of Pommie scum who ca n't play and flounce around in flares ’ , will celebrate with a new EP , tentatively entitled ‘ Tubular Bells ’ .
20 A candidate 's ability to project an image of an agreeable and concerned legislator who will carefully protect and advance the interests of his constituents is crucial .
21 ‘ I have the signatures of over 800 doctors who will neither kill nor refer patients to be killed . ’
22 In practical terms , the school librarian or teacher may not have the authority to make a final decision on the purchase of a microcomputer but it is important that s/he has some knowledge of what microcomputers can do and what criteria should be used for selection , so that the decision made by the headteacher may be influenced by the person who will ultimately control and use the microcomputer .
23 An enemy who will not stand and fight , and who has sufficient room to move and hide can not be ‘ defeated ’ or absorbed .
24 To help you , engage a top-class consultant who will independently catalyse and structure the debate that you want to take place .
25 The first thing you need is a sympathetic GP who will just listen and explain exactly what this illness is .
26 Who will ever forget that miss at Villa Park ?
27 Following the hearing and site visit , the inspector will prepare a report for the minister , who will then decide whether to affirm the compulsory purchase order which he may do with or without variations , or whether to decline to make the order .
28 When the Shavante train boys to become warriors who can both take and give orders , they systematically constrain the youngsters in age-set seclusion for a period of five years during which time they are trained to endure suffering ( see below ) .
29 The Code provides additional safeguards for juveniles , mentally handicapped persons , the deaf and those who can not speak or understand English .
30 The 62-year-old actress declared : ‘ So many children are barely alive , children who can not smile or see any more .
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