Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He died at the hands of cowards who hide behind masks and get away with murder .
2 Those who delight in complexities and wish to pursue the matter further will find a number of adequate textbooks and sources of information which will be pointed out with fiendish delight by any qualified librarian , since he has had to run the whole gamut in preparing for his examinations .
3 Chairman Dr. Alan Wilson warned of the ‘ tarmac cowboys , ’ contractors who knock at doors and offer to tarmac drives .
4 Here the faculty is able to draw on the wide range of professional musicians who reside in Edinburgh or visit regularly .
5 I 've got better things to do with my time than speculate on men who look like pirates and have eyes like Lucifer .
6 These are people who run for buses and put their hands in their pockets to ensure their change does n't jump out .
7 I had read enough to know that the figures for anorexics who starve to death or commit suicide are frighteningly high .
8 This is White Kirk , a secret place hidden from the sight of those who pass along Mallerstang but known to botanists for its plants and mosses .
9 Greg Hocking was one of those rare people who drift into teaching and find themselves , to their own surprise , absolutely cut out for the job .
10 And there are some who tremble with awe and hurry past .
11 I do n't like soldiers and I particularly hate those who dress like women and smile a lot .
12 I feel we need a poet to tell of the contribution made to our Christian Aid Week by those who stay at home and bake so that the baking stall can be kept so magnificently supplied every day .
13 There is a limited amount of money available for these payments , so social fund officers have to look at the needs of all those who apply for help and decide which needs can be met .
14 Mitchell is amongst those who argue against Firestone and hold out for the continuing relevance of Freud 's work .
15 The purpose of this section is to examine the civil remedies available to persons who trade with insiders and to consider how effective these remedies are in deterring insider dealing , especially within financial conglomerates .
16 It is boring , often done in locations where it is difficult to avoid ‘ bosses ’ , it affords only a limited range of ‘ bluffs ’ or easing techniques , and is looked down upon by regular policemen and women , a view unintentionally reinforced by those sergeants who apologize to regulars when asking them at parade to do sanger duty .
17 Crawford played Kent , one of the boys who go on strike and threaten to burn down the gym when the headmaster decides to dismiss the teacher , who has fallen in love with his son — and whom he believes to be his illegitimate daughter .
18 People who go to sea and dislike a thing they come out with it : I say she was a Jonah .
19 But there are very similar intelligent beings who live on histories that differ in who won the war and who is Top of the Pops .
20 History knows a cynical law : that in all lands politicians dislike ecclesiastics who interfere and therefore , when influencing who is to be a new bishop , prefer not to have bishops too practical and too effective ; and a respectable way of having ineffective bishops , the only respectable way , is to have otherworldly bishops , who live to God and spend much time in prayer and are not well informed on matters of this world .
21 Miriam : Yes , all the people who live in Lesotho and have to go over the border to South Africa , have a phobia of this contact .
22 ‘ Foreigners who live in cities and criticise us have a bunny-love approach .
23 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
24 ‘ I would liken them to the Hitler Youth Movement — using intimidating tactics to try to control those who come to matches and deterring decent fans from watching us , ’ said Jobson , whose Southend side have now gone nine League matches without a win .
25 Only from your own personal practical point of view is it [ physics ] more worthwhile , getting a job at the end … but I think a lot of people who come to university and do a degree job that is n't related in any way and what they should get out of university is social skills , and enjoyment , they should enjoy the course , so they should do the course they want to do , I think , in as many cases as possible .
26 A British film , ‘ Donal and Sally ’ fictionally Presented the lives of two mentally handicapped people who fall in love and wish to marry .
27 There 's a lot of training and safety instruction a huge amount of effort put in by the Civil Aviation Authority amongst others who explain to pilots and bring safety considerations to the forefront .
28 ‘ What I would like to see , ’ she says , ‘ is more regular checks done on those who work in care or offer homes to young people , because once they get through the vetting , if anything goes wrong , then it 's always you who 's to blame .
29 People who work in Richmond but live in Darlington feel it is unfair to be charged £50 for a permit .
30 There were projects in rural areas too , such as the Arnhem-Elst-Nijmegen route , which were designed to improve conditions for the large volume of cyclists who cycle to school or work in neighbouring villages and towns .
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