Example sentences of "who [vb base] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The function was hosted by the agency for the US businessmen , who fly home today after a five day golfing trip organised by the Northern Ireland Partnership .
2 The drawback to spending time in Câmara de Lobos is the hordes of beggar children who appear nowhere else on the island but are a real nuisance here .
3 In discussing the school I will draw on the work of the last two writers , who focus particularly clearly on the theoretical issue with which we are concerned .
4 When these aspects of Nonconformity , its inherent political bias and its identification with Victorian values , led ministers into the political arena , it was not surprising that critics complained : ‘ The men whom the churches care to hear … are the men who speak most loudly upon the current political topics , and who … ‘ play to the gallery ’ and , echoing the gallery 's political watchwords , rouse the gallery to re-echo them in its turn . ’
5 Malthus was wrong about the effects of unchecked population growth , as the optimists constantly remind those who look too bleakly into the future .
6 There are even those who look back nostalgically to the days when people might leave school at 11 , when the educated classes were distinct from the uneducated .
7 He applied for a post in the service of the archduke : but Ferdinand was advised by his mother not to burden himself with such ‘ useless creatures who travel around all over the place , like beggars ’ .
8 Some of the people who complain most bitterly about the community charge are those who discover after their homes have been repossessed that they must pay the charge not only on their new property — because it is imposed on the individual — but on the property which they lost , and which they thought was now the responsibility of the building society .
9 Moores declared : ‘ My feelings are no different to those of the people who stand so proudly on the Kop .
10 Motorists who drive too close to the car in front of them at high speed are being targeted by Cheshire police .
11 The English criminal justice system is unique in conferring the power to pass sentence on two completely different sets of sentencers who contrast not only in the powers at their disposal , but also in their social background .
12 Companies such as Rank Xerox are so dedicated to the idea that they are inverting their organisation structures to ensure that the front-line troops — those who interface most closely with the customer become the focus of attention .
13 Er I notice the government also talk about job seekers these days as opposed to people who are unemployed but for those who get up early in the morning or raise their head off the pillow as I do , see the business news on half past six on er B B C 1 .
14 The source of this subversive suggestion is the view , already mentioned in the Introduction , that social theorists who adhere too closely to a single set of explanatory canons are liable to put themselves at a disadvantage .
15 ( Unlike some birds , it does not dive vertically into the water , nor does it pursue the fish while under water ; kingfishers are plunge-divers , who go rapidly straight to the target . )
16 I think now of the way the shaggy but emaciated-looking , dull-eyed sheep who wander so wearily about the paths and tracks of the Forest of Dean find their way into the brick bus shelters on nights such as this .
17 And in the Oxon Senior Cup third round ; Peppard five , Malborough one — Peppard 's goals ; after ten minutes , Sid Grover , fifteen minutes , Chris Maxted , twenty five minutes , Dave Smith , seventy five minutes , Dave Smith getting a second goal , eighty minutes , Kevin Watkins and Malborough 's only goal coming in the second half through Darrell Simpson ; so Peppard who do so well in the Oxford Senior Cup , Peppard five , Malborough one .
18 These roads create access for settlers and ranchers who advance yet further into the rainforest .
19 The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is in a small room just inside the Presbytery door and to it come over a hundred people who give an hour of their time a week to ‘ watch ’ but there are countless others who come in just for a minute or two and there find a few minutes of silence and prayer .
20 As the Tory Party debated the ‘ make-believe gangsters strolling about the streets as if they are the monarchs of all ’ , the conference hall rang with an entirely familiar pattern of complaints and accusations : ‘ the leniency shown in the past by the Courts of this country ’ ; the ‘ lack of parental control , interest and support ’ ; the ‘ sex , savagery , blood and thunder ’ in films and television ; and the ‘ smooth , smug and sloppy sentimentalists who contribute very largely to the wave of crime ’ so that young people were ‘ no longer frightened of the police , they sneer at them ’ .
21 Significantly , the journalists who could n't find time to come , were those Fleet Street hacks with famous names who write most noisily on the pros and cons of optic fibre for the cabling of Britain .
22 People who drink very heavily on the other hand , either over a prolonged period or in a single drinking session , do run the risk of damaging their health .
23 To a fascinated crowd , who loosen up midway through the set , they construct 40 minutes of provocative noise-pop , culled from all three LPs .
24 The unlikely deal was probably finally swung by the long friendship between Ferguson and Wilkinson , who work closely together in the League Managers ' Association .
25 The great size of the Sports Hall does give tremendous pleasure to members who wish to join in the open sessions , and the picture of so many enthusiasts on the floor is particularly heartening to those who work so hard for the furtherance of the Society .
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