Example sentences of "who [vb base] [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Third , the particular reputational approach used by Hunter presupposed that which remained to be proven — that there is a group of forty people in whose hands power in Atlanta is concentrated — by devoting all his efforts to finding out the names of people who appear to belong to this elite .
2 It is no accident that in all the great religions , people who want to engage in this kind of contemplative activity have organised a monastic life to cater to their needs .
3 In the UK , for example , there is evidence that the local authority council house system has reduced mobility over long distances for those who seek housing in this sector ( Hughes and McCormick 1981 ) .
4 You 're the people who get trained in this sort of thing , not me , " Steven said indignantly , and tapped the desk once more , for emphasis .
5 I 've seen so many people come and go who 've put on this act of caring and it does n't last a week .
6 Now we have in the room here a tremendous amount of experience , of people who 've been in the industry , people who 've worked with this company for many , many years , and we 've also got people with us who have not been with us very long , and I 'd you to know we may have covered certain aspects of this on sales skills courses just to talk through what the point of the exercise is , I E what we do for a living .
7 We come now to vote on this addendum to deliverance n number four and , since it is in print , we do n't need to ask the clerk to read it out for us , so therefore as , ask those who wish to vote for this addendum would you please stand .
8 Those who wish to vote against this addendum would you please stand .
9 I hope that right hon. and hon. Members who wish to participate in this debate will have now had an opportunity to read the anniversary report in detail .
10 Some argue it due to the supply of applicants who wish to stand for this view there are certain practical , life-style and attitudinal constraints which seeks a full-time political career .
11 Committees who wish to operate in this fashion have to avoid their members playing games or having manipulative strategies .
12 Readers who care to go into this subject more deeply are recommended to read the dialogues of Diderot. 25
13 Mr Keegan said : ‘ We want to personally thank the people who have contributed to this memorial and to thank everyone in Kirkby for their support and kind wishes over the months . ’
14 Many things about AIDS are uncertain but the more you know about it , the less you will be afraid — and you could become a very good friend to people who have to live with this problem .
15 The moralists — as it seems to many of us who have worried over this question — either shirk the answer or botch it .
16 It is not surprising to find , underlying the judgments of all the experienced Queen 's Bench judges who have grappled with this problem , a feeling of acute concern about the situation thus revealed .
17 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
18 They are coming from the second and third generations of families who have migrated to this country , families who have encouraged their children to enter the professions and vocations as lawyers , doctors , nurses and local government officers and to retain their competence in their own language .
19 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits , kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself , and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard of service here .
20 in In re R. [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 28 , where he said : ‘ Faced with such a substantial consensus of opinion among judges who have to deal with this problem from day to day , I have to conclude that the powers of a wardship judge do indeed include power to consent to medical treatment when the ward has not been asked or has declined .
21 The VDU Users ' Group is grateful to all who have co-operated in this survey .
22 Yes , we 've got some good experienced players here and we 're not really just relying on the youngsters , but the youngsters who have come through this year have done an excellent job .
23 Then spare a thought for the shop assistants who might feel similarly but who have to work alongside this sludge amid the snow , drifting through their ears for hour after hour , freezing their brains into insensible snowballs .
24 He said : ‘ People who have sat through this trial have said to me what on earth is it all about ? ’
25 Ca n't ca n't we hear from some of the women in this audience who have benefited from this system ?
26 We now have many multiple sclerosis patients who have benefited from this treatment which is well illustrated by one of our early cases .
27 There are very high rates of unemployment in this area , many disabled and elderly and long term ill people and single parent families who have benefited from this service .
28 Members who have worked on this project are Beth and Ray Arnold , Stephen and Tim Wallace , Mrs Jeffrey , Paul Lucas and myself — the Magnificent Seven you might say !
29 Generally a trend of sick leave or requests for transfers by other women who have worked for this person will emerge .
30 Few who have worked in this field would deny that , at present , it is a labour intensive procedure .
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