Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She fought her attacker , who eventually seized her plastic bag and ran off .
2 Alexeyev claimed Kurlovich , who successfully defended his super-heavyweight title in Barcelona , had tested positive for steroids just before the Games and was ‘ zero ’ without them .
3 The same Honest John who once described his Treaty negotiation as Game , Set and Match and who now prays at night the French WILL reject it so all the blame can be piled elsewhere .
4 As it happened , I emerged a little late and I fear I rather startled the young gentleman , who immediately pulled his attaché case away from me and clutched it to his chest with both arms .
5 My father happened to know , who was Quain Professor of English at University College of London ( U.C.L. ) , and who frequently visited his weekend cottage in a village near Tewkesbury .
6 No major incidents to report , except for a kamikaze lorry driver who almost bought our charity ride and our lives to a swift halt in Walsall .
7 Fry , who firmly believed his star player — brother of Wolves and England No 9 Steve — was Old Trafford-bound , said : ‘ I have never known anything like this before .
8 When the TUC expelled the electricians ' union it was Jordan who determinedly merged his engineering union with theirs , to the fury of the hard left .
9 For bubbly Brenda , who recently passed her motorcycle test , is now the proud owner of a speedy Suzuki GS 500E .
10 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
11 Glaspie , who subsequently left her State Department post for a teaching job , claimed that a taped record of these discussions as released by the Iraqis in September 1990 [ see p. 37696 ] was effectively " a fabrication " , having been cut and doctored to discredit her .
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