Example sentences of "who [vb past] be [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Great strapping brutes they were , with backs on them like the deck of a ship , ’ William 's grandad said , who 'd been thrown off both and knew .
2 He drew up a map of Scotland based on where the men lived and found the excess of cases in children from rural areas who had been exposed to those men .
3 Reports were coming from all over the country of different children who had been adopted by this kindly old lady .
4 We lesser mortals who had been banished to such places as Wolverton were , however , less fortunate .
5 McCallen who had been rammed by another rider earlier in the race was unhurt by his fall but obviously still shaken up .
6 Honasan , who had been implicated in several coup attempts against Ramos 's predecessor , Corazon Aquino , had been in hiding since 1988 , after escaping from a prison ship moored in Manila Bay [ see p. 36428 ] .
7 ‘ We were contacted last Friday by a woman who had been asked by this man to make a donation to War on Want .
8 We expressed , to the small group now assembled at the innocent French people who had been killed in this tragic disaster , but they all said , very sympathetically — ‘ C'est la guerre ’ .
9 The exception was Dawn Allenby , a woman in her thirties who had been engaged for this first production only and who , two days into rehearsal , had fallen heavily for Richard St Ives .
10 ‘ Kan Ying bows to Pan Chao after the Battle of Kazatin ’ , read the description , the huge letters cut deep into the two-ch'i-thick base , the Mandarin translation given smaller underneath , as though to emphasise the point that the message was aimed at those who had been conquered in that great battle — the Hung Mao .
11 Balbinder , who had been excluded from all deliberations about his future , had not seen his new school yet .
12 By the turn of the year , Ellison , who had been linked to some big-name clubs , was looking jaded .
13 There had been no poverty at all , no necessity to move except the necessity of a woman who had been driven by some perverse whim to deny her former husband the right to see his daughter .
14 Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte ) and his generals , who had been accused by all parties in the Congress of violating the Constitution , misleading the government and gross interference in political affairs , over an illegal arms shipment to Croatia .
15 They were asked to talk to them and find out for themselves about the families who had been thrown into such torment ; they were asked to talk about the children and about their lives at home .
16 Looking round its walls , Breeze realized that the sea must be nearer than she had thought , for there were so many little tablets to people who had been drowned off this coast .
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