Example sentences of "up as a [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I learned this fact , ’ continued the great man , ‘ from Mrs Reed , the kind lady who took care of her after her parents ’ death and brought her up as a member of the family .
2 They objected because Nkrumah had set up a ‘ Ghana National College ’ for the education of students expelled because of their support during the banishment of the Big Six ; they objected to his launching of the Accra Evening News , an anti-colonial voice which achieved immediate popularity ; most of all they objected to his Committee on Youth Organisation , set up as a branch of the UGCC .
3 However , if we look at clear-up rates , those cleared up as a percentage of the total number of recorded offences we find that a 15 per cent decline from 41 per cent in 1979 to 35 per cent in 1988 .
4 Their complaint that they had been betrayed by a Committee ‘ set up as a result of the pressure by the NFOAPA upon individual MPs ’ was , however , some way wide of the mark .
5 The advisory group , set up as a result of the SSI 's criticisms , said : ‘ We were disappointed to find that there seems to have been very little improvement . ’
6 The working party was set up as a result of the HCIMA Quality Forum held at the Institute of Directors in April last year .
7 Chrzanowski ruled out inviting Jaruzelski to a Sejm meeting , but told the press that he might be summoned by a special committee , set up as a result of the resolution , to investigate ways of compensating people for wrongs inflicted for political reasons under martial law .
8 The price review board was set up as a result of the new patent legislation .
9 By contrast , those who were involved in the new machinery of public credit which had been set up as a result of the financial revolution were doing remarkably well , through their investments in institutions such as the Bank of England and the New East India Company , and from the interest they received on loans to the government .
10 During the Restoration he had regained the lands he had lost when the king was defeated , and ended up as a Vice-Admiral of the Fleet .
11 The dapper , 52-year-old economist with his trademark owlish glasses had set himself up as a beacon of the reform movement as long ago as April 1991 when he led his party out of government .
12 Torn between passion and prudence , he falls in love with a spiteful little blonde , and , even as he is being taught in class how to recognise a typical Jew by his grotesque hooked nose , he is personally being held up as an example of the ideologically acceptable East Baltic race .
13 CHRONIC asthma sufferer Jeffrey Harrison was held up as an example of the alleged inadequacy of student loans and NHS funding by Labour yesterday .
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