Example sentences of "up and [adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As he looked me up and down I examined him in turn from the corner of my eye .
2 When she looked Masklin up and down he caught her eye and thought : she looks like a little old lady , but she 's in charge .
3 ‘ But the board know when contracts are up and now they expect me to just sign for a year .
4 That 's alright , open it up and then what do you do keep puffing along and sweeping it up whether it 's put
5 little shop here and they charge as much as you can and they get the grant to open the shop up and then they close it down a couple of months
6 Like , Friday night all the boys came up and then they picked me up and we did n't come back .
7 Clean it up and then you take him in the .
8 You just need the bike to turn a little bit and as soon as it 's spinning it turns just enough to where you can pick the bike up and then you nail it off the corner . ’
9 You just put them into the formula , ad them up and then you do your Well let's say fifty eight fifty eight tonnes of H C L gives say a hundred and twenty tonnes of N A C L.
10 and the hand does n't sneak out afterwards and starts popping out and then it 's useless , then the rest of all this stuff you just get it out of the way under the arm , it 's all gone , right , this bit comes up between the two shoulder blades , do n't make the mistake of bringing it across there , a lot of people do that , that wo n't do , you have to come round the back and between these two shoulder blades to get maximum support , you 've got to hold this elbow up and then you tie it near the hand , now I recommend that you tie it and talk to your casualty , half tie it and say is that supporting you enough ?
11 ‘ She was only waiting for the kids to grow up and then she said she 'd leave me .
12 He keeps touching me and Harried up and once he took us both off into a little room to tell us off and stroked Harriet 's leg .
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