Example sentences of "up [prep] [pos pn] [noun] [coord] say " in BNC.

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1 John got down in front of Dad and looked up into his face and said , ‘ It 's our flight . ’
2 Seeing this Evelyn got up from her seat and said , ‘ I 'll go and get me Bushmill 's . ’
3 He looked up from his desk and said , ‘ My good woman , where do you think I can put them ? ’
4 In mid-April , just before her toy shop opened , Clare 's weary , amiable , National Health doctor looked up from his desk and said , ‘ About your vaginal symptoms , Mrs Shapiro .
5 She remembered hesitating , choosing , picking the biggest and bluest cornflowers , and him looking up from his planting and saying quietly , ‘ If you pick the ones as are n't quite open yet , they 've a chance of lasting longer , maybe . ’
6 As we walked in through the door Kalchu looked up from his food and said in a worried voice , ‘ Where 's your karaso , sister ? ’
7 No ; not a boy , a man , one who would be able to stand up to her father and say , ‘ It 's done , she 's mine . ’
8 Our detective office was two flights of stairs above the enquiry office , and they used to ring up to our office and say I 'm sending a Mr upstairs , he 's lost his bicycle from the library , I 'm showing him up .
9 So Creggan became interested in the Sweeper , and wondered if he would ever come up to his cage and say something , in the way Men did .
10 He strode off the course , goes up to his room and says to Winnie ( Mrs palmer ) , ‘ Do n't unpack , honey ; we 're going home . ’
11 Have the courage to own up to your mistakes and to say sorry when you are responsible for any bad behaviour .
12 But he did go up to my mother and say , like , you know .
13 But I was once painting the windows of Heath House with the children and Simon came up to my ladder and said , ‘ You hate me , but you 're small fry compared to the people who really hate me ’ . ’
14 Finally , as Pete had been opening out the canvas deck cover on a relaunched Fairline Fury while Ted paced the dock alongside , he 'd looked up at his employer and said , ‘ You really want to know ? ’
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