Example sentences of "up [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
2 So I go back and I 'm standing in the doorway , and there 's this kid on the bed and he 's thrown up all over the cover and now he 's starting to shake .
3 following the Robbins Committee Report in 1963 new universities sprang up all over the country and tertiary education in general was in a state of unexampled euphoria .
4 It 's one of hundreds being put up all over the country and residents say it was put there without planning permission or consultation .
5 People will puke up all over the place and since it 's your fault , you 'll have to clear up the mess .
6 They 're growing up all over the place and as you say , Ernie he he he did say about education but whose gon na run education in the future same as social services , you 'll soon find they 'll social services up into the health service .
7 The guitars always end up loud in the mix and obliterate everything else .
8 he also opened up early at the wicket and had a tendency to bowl from the edge of the crease , which caused him to get the right shoulder in front of the left as he delivered and , with hardly any follow through , the only way he could generate any great speed was by a late acceleration of the bowling arm .
9 I get up early in the morning and read , then go to the lectures , then read again at night .
10 Well , you do n't have to get up early in the morning and go out to work , do you ?
11 Others work better late at night , while a few people prefer to be up early in the morning and study before they go to work .
12 It was er you know they came with a big traction engine and the thrashing mill and then they they got up early in the morning and there was the man that looked after the thrashing mill and fork from the carts onto the onto the mill .
13 Anyhow it was like the sea and boats and everything else and I used to I was working in a shop and I use to get up early in the morning and go down and tally all the numbers and names of the boats and and there was an old man came in to shop while I was working in and asked about a certain boat , I says oh I can tell you , trek down .
14 Most people prefer privatization on the right of the party , where I stand , but it 's not something that we get up early in the morning and actually pray for at every day .
15 I , I came very close to having a very bad accident because we did n't , we were up early in the morning and we did n't
16 I woke up early in the morning and remembered about Boris and the cupboard .
17 Gilts dealers reported signs of indigestion in early trading , although demand picked up later in the session and , in the absence of any new demands from the government broker , longer dated issues managed to end the day about £⅛ better .
18 Then she turned her head and stared to the top of her cage , and then flew darkly up to it and took her usual stance staring up , up now towards the moon and distant stars .
19 stuff like that , and they used to make them through the winter and come up here in the summer and sell them .
20 Zips : the zip pulls up well from the inside and is prevented from snagging the fabric by webbing running along the full length of the zip .
21 Yes it was a big , it was a square , big square room and er we were all young people up there except the foreman and erm some lived in , one lady live in she was named , then there was another one who lived in Street she was named and er there was a Violet there 's a Winkles butchers shop is n't there , Winkles have got one in Road at Willenhall , yes there was Violet and er
22 Norwich tend to concede too many goals but they 'll be up there at the finish and we 'll be up there with them . ’
23 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
24 They like to watch a tough woman up there on the screen and comfort themselves with the thought that they 'll never have to live with her . ’
25 Yeah well th cos they 've been waiting up there on the thing and they 've land or they 've just been circ
26 I felt like Don QuiGrungio or something up there with the horse and everything was great .
27 If I stood up there outside the zoo and started screaming ?
28 Oh he 's terrible there , he even had them he had young girls working for him up there , and they found out they were paying he was paying them too little and then he got caught up with 'em , and erm what he done after he charged for taking them up there in the morning and charged 'em for taking them down in the evening with a Land Rover .
29 That , that woman yeah she 's upstairs and you go up there in the morning and she 's on her hands and knees on your carpet sweeping your carpet cos she has n't got a hoover .
30 With David Sims off injured , Gloucester 's supply of ball dried up late in the game and they were also playing into the cold wind .
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