Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb base] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are presses which are strictly private in the Carter sense , operating in anything from a back kitchen to a fully equipped shop , perhaps content simply to joy in the smell of printer 's ink and the magic of creation , without aiming to sell a single book ; publishing firms calling themselves presses who rightly pride themselves on the high quality of their output ; commercial printers who are equally jealous of the standard of their press work ; teaching establishments attached to universities , colleges and schools for experimental and training purposes ; official presses , controlled by governmental or other agencies ; fugitive and clandestine presses , often short-lived and hazardously operated , because of an adverse political or religious climate , or because their owners are dodging copyright laws ; and there is a hotch-potch of firms who pretentiously arrogate to themselves the word ‘ press ’ , to which they have little or no right in terms of either fine printing or independence .
2 One of his bands are at the Paprika tonight ; they are called Dance Lance and they consist of three limber , head-shaven , androgynous boys who all knight themselves with the same name , which is Ron .
3 On the one hand , the force is immensely distrusted by large sections of the Catholic community who still see it as an ‘ armed wing of unionism ’ , propping up an illegitimate regime .
4 In searching for publications this will give a skewed result for those supervisors who always name themselves as the first author in multi-authored works .
5 Instead , Jo maintains close ties with three schoolfriends and a handful of others who willingly accept her as a person rather than a TV personality .
6 On Sunday nights at home we listen to Dan Dare on Radio Luxemburg and that week 's episode is replayed and embellished , with Ann and her brother , who also read it in the Eagle .
7 CURRY lovers who regularly put themselves through the pain of eating hot , spicy food may be physically addicted to the ‘ high ’ it gives , according to new research .
8 They in turn must inform the shop managers who then pass it onto the shop staff .
9 When you visit a club , why not ask the views of people who actually know something about the place and not some ageing promoter who only visits it once a month ?
10 erm and I want , in fact , to ask , you know , is there in fact a challenge to Darwinism among scientists today — among serious scientists today , I mean scientists who actually know something about the subject — and the answer to that question is yes there is .
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