Example sentences of "who [verb] [conj] [v-ing] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The loving parent who tries to shield the child from harm to such an extent that he becomes timid and anxious can cause as many problems as the thoughtless and impatient adult who thinks that telling the child he is stupid will spur him on to greater efforts .
2 Statements in favour of the ‘ freedom of the press ’ and the ‘ freedom to publish ’ — from Milton 's Areopagitica of 1644 onwards — were , therefore , intended as replies to those who maintained that granting the press its freedom would pose threats to the stability of the state .
3 But , now it 's in , Britain is coming under increasing pressure to support a single European currency ; this scheme has already raised the hackles of Mrs Thatcher who says that sacrificing the pound will undermine Britain 's right to manage its own economy .
4 There are those who claim that canvassing the votes of the electorate is a waste of time : that they are at least as likely to vote for you if you leave them alone as they are if you go round and bother them at night .
5 The IEHO is calling for the strengthening and extension of existing legislation , a move supported by Mr Mayled , who felt that making the HSC guidelines law was the only way to improve standards across the board .
6 So I respect the access restrictions for the sake of Ted and those like him , but I reserve the right in the pub to stick out my tongue and make rasping noises at those men with wallets instead of penises , who think that pulling the trigger and gleefully watching a beautiful stag 's legs buckling beneath it as it dies is somehow a sign of manliness .
7 When he arrived at Manly beach with a board he had carved out of sugar pine , many were those who said that riding a wave on a board was pure myth , a legend of the South Seas brought back by drunken sailors .
8 The attitude adopted by North was criticized by Judge Harold Greene who suggested that questioning the witness was " like drawing teeth " .
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